[Scpg] Employment Opportunities in Sustainable Earth Works Team

scpg-admin at arashi.com scpg-admin at arashi.com
Mon Jun 4 07:05:24 PDT 2001

Los Osos, California.
Part-time employment and intern opportunities available.

The Artistry of Biodiversity
Be a part of a sustainable earth works team.  Help construct and maintain 
edible landscapes...install and care for orchard "food forests," ponds and 
water systems...learn to care for and harvest a "rare" foods and fruit 
collection and tend specialty market gardens...learn the art of building 
with stone, bamboo, strawbales and mud...and much more

Have fun, work hard, help the world be a better place!

Male or female, Permaculture Design Course graduates prefered. Must be 
reliable, flexible and fit for heavy work, willing to learn and must have a 
sense of humor!

Hourly wage depending on experience.

Larry Santoyo
EarthFlow Designs
santoyo at earthflow.com

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