gettin uppity
EWerb at
EWerb at
Fri Apr 23 15:17:05 PDT 1999
hey kids, this request (below) for organizational support came my way and
although we haven't established policies on political action as far as scpg
goes, i'd still like to think that we can stand in support of encouraging a
less chem approach to making salads and money...
so if nobody has any strong reservations, i'd like to sign on to this letter
with the name south coast perma guild to endorse this organically driven
grassroots effort
thoughts, ideas, other?
eric w
April 22, 1999
Dear Fellow Organization:
On behalf of Community & Children's Advocates Against Pesticide Poisoning
(CCAAPP), we would like to take this opportunity to invite you to show your
support by signing a letter which will be given to the Ventura County Board
of Supervisors, requesting that they reconsider the reappointment of W. Earl
McPhail as the County Agricultural Commissioner.
We need an agricultural commissioner who will be a leader in promoting
sustainable and viable agriculture, while making necessary lasting changes to
protect public health.
We have attached the letter to be presented to the Board of Supervisors, and
request that your organization sign on. It is our intention to present this
letter at the Board of Supervisors meeting on Tuesday, May 4. We are also
inviting the 'sign-ons' to participate in a press conference which will be
held after the presentation, in front of the county building.
Thank you for your support on this very important issue. If you have any
questions or need further clarification, please feel free to call Deborah
Bechtel at (805) 987-2947 or Lynda Uvari at (805) 647-0931. Please notify
CCAAPP of your intention to sign on by Thursday, April 29th. CCAAPP's
voicemail is (805) 654-4186, or fax (805) 987-2947 or by email to
With regards,
The Board of Directors
Ventura County Board of Supervisors:
Agriculture is Ventura County's leading industry. However, hazardous
chemicals are commonly used, and increasing urban uses near agricultural
fields are putting more people at risk from exposure to those chemicals.
Protecting agricultural and urban uses is the duty of the agricultural
commissioner, who should be held to the highest standard of diligence and
integrity in carrying out the duties of the office. Failure to abide by this
strict code can endanger the health and safety of all who live, work, attend
school, or vacation in Ventura County.
During the probationary period allowing for the review of the contract for
County Agricultural Commissioner W. Earl McPhail, the undersigned propose
that the Supervisors carefully consider the following qualities and actions
the public should reasonably expect from an Agricultural Commissioner:
1. Strictly enforce California pesticide regulations and take prompt
enforcement action in penalizing growers for failure to adhere to pesticide
regulations and conditions placed upon pesticide applications.
2. Establish an oversight committee with representatives from the farming,
farm worker, environmental, medical and education/school communities to
insure compliance.
3. Allow greater and easier access to public records of pesticide use in a
more timely fashion.
4. The agricultural commissioner should comply with the clear mandate of the
California Food and Agriculture code by investigating, promoting, and, if
feasible, employing non-toxic alternatives to pesticides for pest and weed
management in Ventura County agriculture. Setting up semi-annual workshops
to instruct growers in proper pesticide handling and usage, and offering
education and help in implementing non-toxic alternatives is imperative.
5. Require Public pre-notification and posting when pesticides are used
within 1.5 miles of schools, residences and public areas. Posting for a
minimum of 72 hours after an application should be required.
6. Set up a "hotline" for community members to report possible exposures or
7. Initiate training for the health community on what to look for and how to
properly treat, report and follow-up on suspected incidents of pesticide
8. Discontinue issuing permits for the pesticides shown to contaminate water,
for use where wells, groundwater, or runoff into waterways poses a risk to
this vital resource.
We call upon the County Board of Supervisors to recognize the important
information provided by the CA Department of Pesticide Regulation regarding
Mr. McPhail's failure to, among other things, strictly adhere to California's
statutory scheme of pesticide regulation. We are concerned about the 20 year
history of failure on his part to make necessary lasting changes in his
department in order to protect the public as well as agriculture in Ventura
County, in addition to the burden of liability on the county. The
undersigned organizations, therefore, request that W. Earl McPhail NOT be
re-appointed to the office of Agricultural Commissioner for Ventura County.
o Community & Children's Advocates Against Pesticide Poisoning
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