South Coast Permaculture Guild Notice of Events VISIONS OF GARDENS AND COMMUNITIES ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION FRIDAY APR.30 7PM WORKSHOP SAT. MAY 1, 9-1 PM AT CEC sorry for dupicates

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at
Thu Apr 22 09:42:38 PDT 1999

Community Environmental Council and South Coast Permaculture Guild Cosponsor


Santa Barbara--Local teachers, farmers, community gardeners, spiritual 
leaders,experts, representatives from social service and other community 
members will discuss the link between our terrific climate and building
at a workshop at the Community Environmental Council's Gildea Resource Center.

Nestled at the foot of one of the few true east west mountain ranges in the
world, our south facing community on the edge of the Pacific ocean provides
a horticultural paradise long recognized by experts and those who make
Santa Barbara home or a tourist destination..

We have yet to appreciate the importance of local food production capacity 
in providing security in case of any large scale disaster, such as
repercussions from Y2K. 

It is also crucial to address social issues such as access to nutritious 
fresh food for low income families as well as meaningful work and hope for
youth, the homeless, mental health and differently abled sectors of the

Roundtable panelists will include 

Moderator Roberta Cordero, Chumash Activist, Mediation Corordinator and
local resident will help facilitate the discussion

Michael Abelman, founder of the Center for Urban Agriculture at Fairview 
Gardens. As a farmer, author and photographer,Abelman emphasizes the need 
to "put culture back into agriculture" by linking communities with local

Other community activists include: Michael Feeney, Executive Director of 
the Land Trust of Santa Barbara whose organization has helped to preserve 
over one thousand acres of agricultural land locally in perpetuity; 

Steve Moore, a Carpinteria based farmer who oversees the operation of the 
oldest and largest Community Supported Agriculture Program in the south coast,

Michelle Mascarenas, Director of the Los Angeles based Food Security 
project which works to link farmers to schools and community organizations 
in need of nutritious fresh food.

Reverand Ford - St. Paul's Church is committed to addressing important
issues around access to fresh nutritious food for his congregation.

and Oscar Carmona, Director of CEC's Garden programs who is working with 
schools, community -based youth programs social service agencies to create 
garden programs for their clientelle.

THE FRIDAY ROUNDTABLE will encourage participants to share technical 
information, ideas and will provide participants the inspiration to get 
involved in project organized at the workshop on Saturday . 

The Community Environmental Council is located at 930 Miramonte
Drive..Santa Barbara CA 
For more information call 963-0583 114. 
Roundtable Friday, April 30 from 7-10 PM $3 and 
Workshop Saturday May 1, 9-1 PM free
Participants are encouraged to carpool to the roundtable and workshop as 
parking is limited

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