[San Diego, CA Permaculture] Soil Food Web intensive w/Dr Elaine Ingham, Ojai June 15-19 10% off

David White drdrwhite at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 23:05:33 PDT 2015

You are invited to attend a five day Soil Food Web intensive led by Dr
Elaine Ingham in Ojai June 15th to 19th.  For more information about the
workshop and the registration form please go to <
http://www.ojaicra.org/#!soil-food-web-workshop/cg6z <http://ojaicra.org/>>.
For reviews from previous workshops please go to <
http://www.ojaicra.org/#!past-events/c121b>.  There is a 10% discount on
the full workshop price good through March 21st.

Please forward this to anyone you think may be interested and let me know
if you have any questions.



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