[San Diego, CA Permaculture] Regrarians eHandbook 1. Climate Chapter now available

Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network lakinroe at silcom.com
Wed Mar 11 05:21:46 PDT 2015

"...The climate of the human mind is just as, if not more difficult to change than the climate of the biosphere!!.."

Darren J. Doherty, Bioneers Plenary, Santa Rosa, California, USA, October 2013

The 77 page 1.Climate chapter of the Regrarians eHandbook by Darren J. Doherty & Andrew Jeeves is now available for download for only AUD$5/copy !!

The sections of 1.Climate in the Regrarians eHandbook are as follows:

1.00 - Introduction
1.01 - Method Integration
1.02 - Regenerative Design & Living Principles
1.03 - Keyline Overview
1.04 - Keyline Scale of Permanence
1.05 - The Regrarians Platform
1.06 - Modern Context
1.07 - Applications
1.08 - Diffusion of Innovation
1.09 - Framework for Holistic Management
1.10 - Holistic Context Development
1.11 - Holistic Decision-making Matrix
1.12 - Holistic Natural Resource Management Model
1.13 - Climate Resilience Implications
1.14 - Climate Resilience - Micro, Local & Regional Strategies
1.15 - Site Selection Criteria
1.16 - Growing Degree Days
1.17 - Chilling Hours
1.18 - Regrarians Climate Table
1.19 - Köppen–Geiger Climate Classification System
1.20 - Regrarians Work Pattern
1.21 - Regrarians Contact Sheet/Briefing
1.22 - Regrarians Checklist
1.23 - Memorandums of Understanding
1.24 - Regulatory Frameworks
1.25 - Formulae and Conversions
Bibliography & References

We decided to release the Regrarians Handbook initially as an eBook in order to build a relationship and feedback stream between the reader and the author/illustrator team.  The anticipated revenue stream is intended to pay for both Andrew & Darren to work full-time on completing this much anticipated work. 

Its also our intention to have the eHandbook available in a number of languages (i.e. Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic & Greek at this stage) following its initial release in English. 

Please go online now to get your 1. Climate chapter of the Regrarians eHandbook!!

Yours & Growing, 

Lisa, Isaebella & Darren 

Regrarians Ltd. 



Copyright © 2015 Regrarians Ltd., All rights reserved. 
G'day, As a subscriber at www.HeenanDoherty.com we wanted to let you know that we are transitioning our online presence over to www.Regrarians.org under the Regrarians brand (our non-profit). Accordingly you are receiving this email as a courtesy so that you don't get a surprise with our first newsletter under the Regrarians brand. Thanks and all the best for 2015, Lisa Heenan, Isaebella Doherty & Darren J. Doherty Directors, Regrarians Ltd. 

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Regrarians Ltd.
45 Casey St
Bendigo, Vic 3550

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