[Sdpg] Making a Difference: Creating a Sustainable World - Retreat and Vision - September 30-October 5, 2007, Big Sur

Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network lakinroe at silcom.com
Fri Sep 7 08:00:49 PDT 2007

ESALEN INSTITUTE, BIG SUR, CA- Making a Difference: Creating a 
Sustainable World -

Making a Difference: Creating a Sustainable World, September 
30-October 5, 2007with Special Guest Mark Lakeman of Portland's City 
Repair Project!

"Be the change you want to see in the world."  This quote, first 
uttered by Gandhi 60 years ago, now, calls us to action.

You CAN Make a Difference?  Each one of us can help create a Sustainable World?

When we viewed Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth", it became apparent 
that each one of us could do small things to lessen our ecological 
footprint, and to mitigate carbon dioxide.  We could and did switch 
out standard lights to compact fluorescents; turn off the faucet when 
brushing teeth and hair washing and use public transportation.  WE 

Ah.  Just the tip of the iceberg.  LET's MOVE to the next level of 
family or community.  What can we inspire our neighbors to 
do?  Actively recycle, bicycle share or create a neighborhood compost 
pile, which sources a community garden.  Support, partner with and 
protect low income communities. Pass a bottle bill in your city?  WE 

Consider an annual retreat at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, 
Calf.  Reinvigorate your vision for yourself and take the next step 
in becoming a Partner in the Global Sustainability movement.

Making A Difference: Creating A Sustainable World is a 6 day 
residential retreat at Esalen Institute in Big Sur, Calf.  Starting 
Sunday, 30 Sept and ending Friday, 5 October 2007, you can shift the 
world while eating nutritious organic food, enjoying natural hot 
springs open 24 hrs a day, expanding your horizons with people from 
all over the globe, getting massaged outside on the cliffs of the 
Pacific, swimming in a geothermal pool and taking time off, time 
away, a serious retreat from your busy world.  The cost is between 
$ll20 - $585, depending on your housing choice.   This includes your 
seminar, meals, materials, friends for a lifetime and board.

Kat Steele is the founder of the Urban Permaculture Guild in Oakland, 
Calf.  She is trained in Ecovillage Design at Findhorn Foundation in 
Scotland and is a Board Member of the Architects, Designers and 
Planners for Social Responsibility and Bay Localize.  She designs, 
facilitates and teaches Permaculture.

Contact kat at urbanpermacultureguild.org or(510) 547-7889.

Maggie Seeley is a business consultant who uses the Triple Bottom 
Line (great people, good profit, the planet - sustainable 
practices).  She has worked in Nigeria, China and Bangladesh.  Maggie 
is a partner in Green It!  The Sustainability Team, located in 
Albuquerque, New Mexico.  She helps businesses and organizations get 
green and teaches at the University of New Mexico, School of 
Management.   Contact MaggiHeart at aol.com or (505) 268-3339.

with Special Guest Mark Lakeman for Portland's Renowned City Repair Project!

City Repair in West Oakland


info: http://www.urbanpermacultureguild.org/esalenflyer2007.html

Register here: http://www.esalen.org/workshops/reservations.shtml#registration

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