[Sdpg] Energy and Permaculture David Holmgren (David will be in SB Aug 2)
Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson
lakinroe at silcom.com
Mon Jul 11 09:59:26 PDT 2005
Energy and Permaculture
by David Holmgren
Reprinted from The Permaculture Activist #31 (to subscribe check info at
bottom of article)
David Holmgren only Southern CA appearance will be on Santa Barbara Ca
Tues Aug 2 , Workshop and evening lecture see details at bottom or go to
www.sbpermaculture.org click upcoming events
Copyright The Permaculture Activist PO Box 1209W, Black Mountain, NC 28711 USA
The sustainability debate has shown a deep confusion about the processes
and systems which support life and humanity. The lack of conceptual tools
to incorporate previously ignored environmental "givens" into calculations
used by economists and decisionmakers is painfully obvious. There are no
simple answers to the complex question of costs, benefits, and
sustainability. However, there is a natural currency we can use to measure
our interdependence on our environment and assist us to make sensible
decisions about current and future action.
That currency is energy.
Energy Laws
The energy laws governing all natural proceses are well understood and have
not been challenged by any of the revolutions in scientific thinking during
the 20th century. These laws are called the first and second laws of
First Law: the law of conservation of energy. Energy is neither created or
destroyed. The energy entering the system must be accounted for either as
being stored there or as flowing out.
Second Law: the law of degradation of energy. In all processes some of the
energy loses its ability to do work and is degraded in quality. The
tendency of potential energy to be used up and degraded is described as
entropy, which is a measure of disorder which always increases in real
These laws are taught in every science course, but, in a manner typical of
our fragmented society and culture, are completely ignored in the way we
conduct our economic life and relationship to the natural world. The laws
of thermodynamics are widely seen as true, but not very useful theoretical
ideas. The second law has always represented a fundamental threat to the
modern notion of progress. More traditional and tribal views of the world
are in keeping with the second law. For example, the ancient Greek idea of
the universe being used up by the passage of time is very pessimistic to
the modern mind.
Over the last 20 years work by ecologists and some economists has attempted
to apply the energy laws in more practical ways to understand the global
environmental crisis and develop useful conceptual tools for creating a
more viable and durable basis for human life. The work of ecologist Howard
Odum provided a theoretical framework and conceptual tool which was
critical in the development of the permaculture concept. In the 1970's
there was a flurry of research in this field but it declined along with oil
prices in the 1980's. Odum was one of the leading ecologists who developed
a systems approach to the study of human/environment interactions. He uses
energy as a currency to compare and quantify the whole spectrum of natural
and man-made elements and processes.
Odum's ecosystem approach:
Analyses ecosystem elements and processes in terms of energy flows,
storages. transformations. feedbacks, and sinks.
incorporates non-living and living elements of the natural environment.
and incorporates human systems and economies as an integral part of the
natural world.
Energy Quality And Embodied Energy
The second law of tbermodynamics is based on the concept of energy quality.
Examination of tbe natural world from stellar processes through to living
systems shows differing forms of energy have varying potential to do work
or drive processes. Since all forms of energy can be converted into heat,
energy can be defined as:a quantity that flows through all processes,
measured by the amount of heat it becomes (the calorie is the unirtof
measure of heat energy). Dispersed heat is the most dilute form of energy;
it is no longer capable of doing work.
All real processes involve a net degradation in energy quality. However, a
proportion of the total energy flow can be upgraded into more concentrated
forms of energy capable of driving other processes. This creation of order
produces remarkable results, most notably life, but includes such
non-living phenomena as rare mineral ores and human-created systerns such
as the built environment, culture, and information. However this order is
always at a cost of a net degradation of energy. The whole evolution of the
Gaia (the living earth) is a small expression of order arising out of the
massive energy degradation of the sun's thermonuclear process.
There are thermodynamically fixed relationships between four forms of
energy ranging from low- to high-quality. These and similar relationships
between energies of differing qualities are fundamental to a correct
understanding of the energy basis of nature and human existence. The
efficiency of conversion of sunlight to wood (via the processes of
photosynthesis) is 8:8000 or 0.1 percent. The apparent inefficiency of this
process is due to the very low quality of dilute sunligbt falling on the
earth's surface. However 3,800 million years of evolution have optimized
this energy harvesting process and any technological "improvement" is
highly improbable despite frequent claims to the contrary.
Many kinds of high-quality energy are required for complex work. We tend to
think of the energy requirements of a process only as fuel, ignoring human
work and contribution of materials. These often involve more energy than
the fuels. In running a motor car, the fuel is about 60% of the total
energy consumed.
Odum goes on to explain... "The energies involved in the long chain of
converging works supporting processes such as educational activities is
very large. The total energy required for a product is the embodied energy
of that product... The embodied energy of a book is very large compared
with the heat energy that would be obtained if the book were burned. For
clarity in energy accounting, embodied energy should be expressed as
calories of one type of energy such as solar equivalents or coal equivalents."
Many energy studies done by apparently qualified persons and taken
seriously by policymakers fail to take account of the simple fact that a
calorie of low-quality energy cannot do the same work as a calorie of high
quality energy. Consequently completely erroneous conclusions are
frequently reached. Such problems have afflicted both high- and low-tech
proposals. Nuclear power may be the greatest exarnple of an energy "source"
which actually uses and/or degrades more humanly usable energy than it
produces. Solar, wind, and biofuel technologies, while appropriate for the
use of already embodied energies will never sustain high-energy industrial
culture without fossil fuel subsidy.
Computer technologies may similarly be appropriate to make use of
manufacturing and network capacity already in place but are in reality very
energy expensive due to the very large embodied energy.
Significance Of Odum's Work
Energy Basis for Man and Nature is an accessible text on Odum's work
written for high school and undergraduate students with only minimal matbs
and science. It is a very important book which should be read and
understood by all permaculturists. Without that understanding it is very
easy to be misled into developing and proposing systems of land use,
technology, and lifestyles which will consume rather than produce energy
storages useful in providing for current and future human needs.
It provides a way of integrating information about natural systems from the
local and global scale, technology, environmental impact, and social and
economic processes. The energy accounting and systems diagrams provide a
unique tool for understanding and decisionmaking more in tune with the
rules of the natural world.
Odum's work shows exactly how and why it is impossible to avoid those rules
in any case without the need to resort to moral injunctions. High-energy
industrial society is revealed as a quite natural response to fossil fuel
abundance but maladapted in every way to a low energy future.
Agriculture And Forestry
If there is a single most important insight for permaculture from Odum's
work it is that solar energy and its derivatives are our only sustainable
source of life. Forestry and agriculture are the primary (and potentially
self-supporting) systems of solar energy harvesting available.
Technological development will not change this basic fact. It should be
possible to design land use systems which approach the solar energy
harvesting capacities of natural systems while providing humanity with its
needs. This was the originai premise of the permaculture concept. While
available solar energy may represent some sort of ultimate limit to
productivity it is other factors which primarily limit it.
Maximum Power Principle
Along with the two established laws of thermodynamics, Odum's work is based
on a third principle, the Maximum power principle, which explains that the
system that gets the most energy and uses it most effectively survives in
competition with other systems.
Odum states, "Those systems that survive in competition among alternative
choices are those that develop more power (rate of energy flow) inflow and
use it to meet the needs of survival." They do this by--
1. developing storages of high-quality energy
2. feeding back work from the storages to increase inflows
3. recycling materials as needed
4. organizing control mechanisms that keep the system adapted and stable
5. setting up exchanges with other systems to supply special energy needs, and
6. contributing useful work to the surrounding environmental systems that
helps maintain favorable conditions, e.g.. micro-organisms' contribution to
global climate regulation or mountain forests' contribution to rainfall.
The Maximum power principle is contentious and has led some to criticize
Odum's work as "biophysical determinism" with no room for human values.
While this systems view is only one way of understanding the world, the
last two characteristics of successful natural systems allow plenty of
scope for co-operative approaches and higher human values. The predictive
power of Odum's methodology in assessing the chaotic changes in the world
over the last 20 years suggest that it is a very useful way of thinking. In
permaculture we should use these points as a checklist for sustainable
Within the permaculture movement, Odum's work has not been widely
recognized (and confused with the work of another American ecologist,
Eugene Odum) even though it confirms permaculture's concern with
sustainable use of natural systems as the foundation of any permanent culture.
Mollison makes only passing reference to Odum in Permaculture: A Designers
Manual and goes on to suggest "the concept of entropy does not necessarily
apply to living, open earth systems with which we are involved and in which
we are immersed" This could be wrongly interpreted as meaning we can design
our way out of any problem and that natural systems can sustain the
continuous free lunch the affluent world is used to.
In the last few hundred years we have dug millions of years worth of
sunlight (fossil fuels) out of the ground to create global industrial
culture and economy. The most productive sustainable systems imaginable may
be able to provide for the needs of five or even 10 billion people. However
they would never sustain large-scale cities, a global economy, and Western
material affluence even if all the conventional energy conservation
strategies were to be adopted. This is a bitter pill to swallow for
Westerners raised on the notion of material progress. This does not mean
that the energy conservation strategies promoted for years by Lovins and
other energy optimists, and progressively being adopted, are not incredibly
important In fact they are essential to make best use of what we have.
The transition from an unsustainable fossil fuel-based economy back to a
solar-based (agriculture and forestry) economy wilt involve the application
of the embodied energy that we inherit from industrial culture: This
embodied energy is contained within a vast array of things, infrastructure,
cultural processes and ideas, mostly inappropriately configured for the
"solar" economy. It is the task of our age to take this great wealth,
reconfigure and apply it to the development of sustainable systems.
Mollison almost in passing points to three guidelines we should observe in
this task.
The systems we construct should last as long as possible and take least
These systems, fueled by the sun should produce not only for their own
needs, but the needs of the people creating and controlling them. Thus they
are sustainable as they sustain both themselves and those who construct them.
We can use non-renewable energy to construct these systems providing that
in their lifetime, they store or conserve more energy than we use to
construct or maintain them.
These are very important points, but how should be assess whether we are
following them, particularly the thorny question of use of non-renewable
energies, raw and embodied. I apply the following perspectives (derived
from Odum) as a primary sustainability test to all land use systems before
considering any more detailed aspects of costs and benefits.
All terrestrial ecosystems must work to slow the inexorable effects of
gravity in progressively degrading the physical and chemical energetic
potential expressed in uplifted catchment landscapes.
Eventually everything ends up in the oceans until the next uplift (with the
few but important exceptions of onshore winds, migrating fish, and birds).
Water and nutrients are the key forms of chemical energetic potential while
the landform itself is the key expression of the physical energy potential.
Soil humus and long-lived trees are the key energy storages which
terrestrial ecosystems use in the never-ending fight with gravity.
Holmgren's Sustainability Test
Does the system work to catch and store water and nutrients for as long as
possible and as high as possible within its catchment landscape?
How does it compare with the performance of pristine natural systems as
well as wild and naturally regenerated ones (weeds included)?
It is possible for managed productive landscapes to collect and store
energy more effectively than pristine systems by the careful use of
external, often non-renewable energies.
The use of bulldozers to build well-designed dams capable of lasting
hundreds of years in well-managed landscapes is an excellent example of
appropriate use of non-renewable energies. Even structures and processes
which do not meet this condition (possibly the windmills) can be justified
because they save the use of greater quantity of non-renewable energies or
because they make best use of already embodied energy in existing plant and
equipment. Most of our managed rural landscapes, especially farms, fail
miserably on the water and nutrients test. Erosion, salinity,
acidification, and stream and groundwater nutrient pollution are some of
the symptoms. In addition, use of non-renewable energy as an annual rather
than development input is generally very high. (The embodied energy of
artificial fertilizers is extremely high).
Wild Productivity
On the other hand consider the amazing productivity happening right before
our eyes from with unmanaged systems. Many parts of rural Australia are
supporting far more kangaroos than sheep with less damage to the land.
These herds could provide a huge meat surplus even as they maintain healthy
and wild populations.
Forests are even more efficient at catching and storing water and nutrients
than sustainable pastoral systems. In the high rainfall areas of coastal
Australia regrowth forests of native and (in some places exotic) species
are developing future timber resources at a greater rate than all the more
deliberate efforts at reforestation combined. Simple practices of thinning
could greatly improve the future resource value of these forests. Any
systems which call improve soil and water values, and require little or no
fossil fuel energy to develop and maintain, and provide resource yields
largely by the application of human labor and skill. should be seen as our
greatest assets.
Urban Landscapes
Urban systems are dearly massive net losses in terms of energy and soil and
water values. In addition the bulk of the physical and information outputs
of energy transformation processes in cities s further undermining the
social and ecological basis of any sustainable future (e.g.. advertising
and consumer culture).
On the other hand, consider the vast suburban landscapes. much has been
said about the inappropriateness of existing suburbs in an
energy-conserving future. However, few urban planners have seriously
considered how we might adapt cities to a low (solar) energy as opposed to
simply energy conserving future. Despite all their disadvantages, the
low-density nature of suburbs makes them incrementally adaptable to a
low-energy future. Passive solar retrofit of buildings for
residential/commercial enterprise is relatively easy, while intensive
garden agriculture and urban forestry can make use of reticulated, runoff,
and waste water to create our most productive systems.
The Limits To Productivity
Mollison claims very high productivity from permaculture systems which are
neither labor- nor capital- (energy and materials) intensive. This
productivity can be attributed to the information intensity of permaculture
expressed through interactive design processes and incorporation of genetic
resources from access the globe. The focus on human and biological
information is in accord with a much wider mainstream recognition of the
increasingly pivotal nature of information systems (even if the information
in this case takes the form of a bioregional species collection and a
designer/gardener with a basket and secateurs).
Capital inputs to establish sustainable systems may be confined to a brief
intense development phase. Human effort is required over much longer
periods, possibly a lifetime before it declines (or more correctly evolves)
into a careful and quiet stewardship.
Much has been made by Mollison and others of the low labor requirements of
permaculture. This may be true compared to the labor required by
traditional sustainable systems (such as those in China) operating near the
limits to human carrying capacity. However, permaculture systems will never
be highly productive on very low levels of labor input (such as that
required to maintain a well-designed ornamental garden of local native
plants). The search for systems which continually reduce human effort is
also a recipe for human alienation and the technological fix.
Whether the significant gains from the application of design skills and
genetic resources can continue to build productivity above that made
possible by inputs of non-renewable energies during establishment and the
use of appropriate traditional (agri)cultural skills remains to be seen.
Odum suggests that all information systems have a high embodied energy
cost. We should assume that (at the material level at least) productivity
of sustainable systems will not be vastly different from traditional
examples from the past This may be a very uncomfortable realization for all
of us raised on the mythology of material progress and human invincibility.
Energy Scenarios
If net energy availability were to increase (through some
optimistic/horrific realization of biotechnological dreams or some other
current technological fantasy) then She Maximum Power Principle suggests
that nothing would stop humanity transforming itself beyond recognition.
This would be necessary to absorb and use that energy while pushing back
the environmental debt yet again as has been done on a much smaller scale
in previous millennia. In such a case, permaculture would be buried in the
debris of history, while most existing human culture and values would be
swept aside by an avalanche of change.
On the other hand, if net energy is declining, as more people have come to
realize is the case, then attempts to maintain materialist culture based on
growth economics are counterproductive, irrespective of any moral
judgments. The permaculture strategy of using existing storages of energy
(materials, technology, and information) to build cultivated ecosystems
which efficiently harvest solar energy is precisely adaptive.
The critical issue of the last 20 years of environmentalism has been that
of net energy availability to humanity. Permaculture has always been
predicated on the assumption that net energy availability is declining
after probably reaching a peak sometime in the 1960's. Misjudgment of the
timing and precise nature of energy decline by Mollison and myself along
with other environmentalists in the 1970's can be attributed to the
enormous energy already embodied in industrial systems and culture. This
embodied energy has fueled continuing rapid adaptation by industrial
society to new emerging conditions. The apparent capacity to do more with
less and other consequences of high embodied energy have lulled most
observers into a belief that humanity is largely independent of energy
The complexity and severity of environmental and economic crises make it
more imperative than ever before that we have a common currency for
understanding the changes around us and assessing the available options.
To summarize...
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle (in that order).
Grow a garden and eat what it produces.
Avoid imported resources where possible.
Use labor and skill in preference to materials and technology.
Design, build, and purchase for durability and repairability.
Use resources for their greatest potential use (e.g. electricity for tools
and lighting,
food scraps for animal feed).
Use renewable resources wherever possible even if local environmental costs
appear higher (e.g. wood rather than electricity for fuel and timber rather
than steel for construction).
Use non-renewable and embodied energies primarily to establish sustainable
(e.g. passive solar housing, food gardens, water storage, forests).
When using high technology (e.g. computers) avoid using state of the art
Avoid debt and long-distance commuting.
Reduce taxation by earning less.
Develop a home-based lifestyle, be domestically responsible.
The Permaculture Activist SUBSCRIPTIONS
In 2005,The Permaculture Activist magazine celebrates its 20th year
promoting the design of sustainable human communities. The Activist is
North America's leading (and the world's oldest) permaculture periodical.
Subscription (4 / yr) is $23US (US, Canada, Mexico only)
If you don't wish to use Paypal,to receive the following titles,send your
name, address, phone #, email address, and a check or money order (in US
funds) to:
The Permaculture Activist PO Box 1209W
Black Mountain, NC 28711
Voicemail: 828-669-6336, fax 828-669-5068
We DON'T take credit cards. Please use Paypal. www.permacultureactivist.net
The Permaculture Activist
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For details about back issues click here
Complete Set of Activist Back Issues: (1-54) \USA $230 ,Canada, Mexico
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David Holmgren West Coast Workshops and Talks USA Aug/Sept 2005
DAVID HOLMGREN Co-orginator of Permaculture only Talk/Workshop in Southern
Tues Aug 2 2005 7PM $15
Santa Barbara City College East Campus
Tues Aug 2 ALL DAY WORKSHOP AT SB City College
Afternoon Session 2-5PM
WITH Bill Roley , Larry Santoyo (both Permaculture Teachers and Designers)
, and Doug Richardson (Director Environmental Horticulture) SB City College
Special Guest Don Sarich CEO Permaculture Credit Union
COST $80 (STUDENTS $60 )Early Registration $60 till July 8
To Register send check to Santa Barbara Permaculture Network 312 E Sola St
#1 Santa Barbara Ca 93101
For more info sbpcnet at silcom.com 805-962-2571 www.sbpermaculture.org
COSPONSOR/FUNDRAISER fo Santa Barbara Permaculture Network ,Permaculture
Credit Union (www.pcuonline.org), SBCC Environmental Horticulture Dept. and
SBCC Student Sustainability Coalition (www.biosbcc.net)
David Holmgren , co-originator with Bill Mollison of the Permaculture
concept, is an innovative environmental design consultant based in Hepburn
Springs in Central Victoria ,Australia. where he maintains one of
Australia's best-known permaculture sites. His latest book , Permaculture
Principles& Pathways Beyond Sustainability is a distillation of life lived
by the principles of Permaculture. To see his writings and designs visited
August 6 - 9, 2005 4-Day Workshop with David Holmgren Petaluma, California
Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS), Petaluma, California.
Cost $450 not including lunch,
Double occupancy dorm style accommodation $300 per person for three nights
includes 3 delicious organic meals.
Single occupancy is $360 for three nights includes 3 delicious organic meals.
Download the registration form (PDF file) and return it with a check made
payable to Permaculture Institute to:
Permaculture Institute of Northern California, P.O. Box 341, Point Reyes
Station, CA 94956
Contact: 415·663·9090 voicemail or info at permacultureinstitute.com
David Holmgren in Portland Oregon
Aug 13 -17 Sat-Wed FIVE DAY PERMACULTURE WORKSHOP with Toby Hemenway and
David Holmgren $295
August 16 -17, Tues- Wed Advanced Workshop on Permaculture Ethics and
Principles with David Holmgren.$140
Three day introductory workshop August 13-15 with Toby Hemenway is $180.
TO REGISTER, Permaculture Solutions, LLC3527 NE 15th, PMB # 101Portland, OR
August 15, 7:00 p.m. Mon David Holmgren Talk at Pacific Crest Community
School, NE 29th and Davis $10.
Contact info at portlandpermaculture.com, 503.293.8004
David Holmgren in Washington State
Aug 19-21 Bellingham WA Northwest Herbal Faire
Aug 23 Olympia WA , Permaculture Solutions for the World
Aug 27-28 Two Day Workshop at Twist, $130 both days , $70 one day
27 Permaculture Principles 28 Ecosystem Restoration
Aug 30-Sept 1, 3 day Advanced Course Permaculture Design Theory and
Principles Seattle $175
Contact Washington/ Oregon Friends of the Trees friendsofthetrees at yahoo.com
www.friendsoftrees.net 360-927-1274
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