[Sdpg] Ecovillage Design Course: July 27 - 31, 2005 Bodhi Creek Farm, Near Kendall, Washington
Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson
lakinroe at silcom.com
Sun Jul 10 23:06:28 PDT 2005
Ecovillage Design Course: July 27 - 31, 2005
at Bodhi Creek Farm, Near Kendall, Washington
Tuition / Faculty / Registration
Come join us for a transdisciplinary, multidimensional exploration of what
may be the most important and pressing issue of our time-- how to design
and implement truly sustainable human habitat. The full-featured
"ecovillage" - whether urban, suburban, or rural - holds the most promising
vision for a sustainable future.
Bodhi Creek Farm is nestled within the luxurious, verdant Cascadian
foothills. The owners there are laying plans for developing a real
"ecovillage" - in this case, a Sustainability Education and Retreat Center,
complete with attached co-housing units.
At the Design Course, we'll set up a Design Studio right there on site,
and, working in design teams, go through the holistic integrated ecovillage
design process - producing useful and constructive design proposals for our
'clients' while enjoying a fun and valuable educational experience by all.
This is applied, experiential, action learning at its best!
Subjects covered include but are not limited to:
Permaculture Fundamentals
Methodologies of Ecological Design and Whole Systems Design
Patterns in Nature
"A Pattern Language," and "Design with Nature,"
Feng Shui and Sacred Geometry
Living Systems Theory
EMergy and Energetics
Community and Environmental Economics
Appropriate Technology
Self-reliant Food Systems
The Global Ecovillage Network
Peak Oil and a Post-carbon Future, etc.
Course Tuition
$200 3-day weekend Design Studio, July 29-31, 2005
$300 Design Studio + Optional 2 additional days preparatory class time,
July 27-28, 2005 = 5 days total!
20% discount if paid in full by July 1, 2005.
This fee covers camping, three wholesome meals a day, all related course
materials, and the opportunity to participate in an immersion experience in
leading edge design work on an actual project-in-process. Course
participants will be limited to 20, so contact VDI today to reserve a spot,
or for further inquiry: (360) 927-2224 or ecmare at villagedesign.org.
(Note: Prior Permaculture Design experience preferred)
Chris Mare: Founder and Executive Director of VDI; created the world's
first B.A. degree in Village Design; M.A. Whole systems Design; Ph.D. Human
and Organization Development (current student); Curriculum Coordinator for
Global Ecovillage Network
Barbara Widhalm: Founder and President Rebundance Consulting; M.A. in
Planning, U. of Vienna; Ph.D. Transformative Learning & Change at CIIS
(current student); member U.S. Coalition of Education for Sustainable
Development; adjunct faculty U. of New Mexico
Phil Hawes: Project Director for the Global Ecovillage Development
Corporation; Ph.D. San Francisco Institute of Architecture, where he is
associate faculty; chief architect Biosphere II; Fellow at Taliesin West;
design work and consulting internationally
Tyrone LaFay: B.S. Environmental Studies at Huxley College; proprietor
Earthcare Design Solutions, Inc.; graduate of Planet Organic's Permaculture
immersion in New Zealand; currently Program Coordinator at O.U.R.
Ecovillage on Vancouver Island, B.C.
!!Special Guests!!: Alan Seid, Tricia King, Kelly Keane, Nala Walla, Guy
To register, please fill out the Registration Form from website and submit
it with payment (check or money order) to:
Village Design Institute
PO Box 2233
Bellingham, WA 98225
Contact ecmare at villagedesign.org, http://www.villagedesign.org/, 380-927-2224
(note:prior Permaculture Design experience preferred)
You will increase enormously your capacity to live sustainably.
The Village Design Institute (VDI) is an educational nonprofit registered
in the State of Washington. VDI was founded for the purpose of creating,
organizing, and disseminating a scientific, multi-disciplinary knowledge
resource base intended for promoting and facilitating the design and
implementation of sustainable human settlements for the 21st century. A
fundamental working premise at VDI - and thus the namesake - is that the
designing of truly sustainable settlements is most effectively conceived
and accomplished at village-scale, with all that implies. We have
elaborated this declaration in an essay entitled Fundamentals of Village
Design, a title that will be expanded into textbook format.
At VDI, we take sustainability seriously, so seriously in fact that we are
actively moving out of the indigent, 20th century sustainability mindset.
We are beginning to theorize, design, and think in terms of beyond
sustainability, beyond conditions of mere steady-state material
maintenance to situations where human and planetary potential is being
actualized stirring, thriving, flourishing in full evolutionary
plenitude. Is it possible to include consciousness expansion as a design
criterion? For more on this perspective see the essays Sustainability 1
and Sustainability 2.
At VDI, we believe that the emerging vision of the ecovillage is the
obvious solution to the ecological, economic, cultural, and spiritual
challenges facing humanity at this dawning of a new millennium. We want to
take the opportunity top explore ecovillage design from a scientific,
multi-disciplinary, educational perspective. Therefore, VDI defines
ecovillage as the sustainable unit of human settlement in a theoretical
ekistics for the 21st century.
The Village Design Institute was conceived and founded because of a
perceived gap between the attention level of genuine student interest in
matters of Sustainable Community Design, and the corresponding relative
absence of such curricula in current Academia. Inspired by such
distinguished examples as Living Routes, the Farms Ecovillage Training
Center, and Crystal Waters College, VDI is attempting to fill the gap by
formulating and offering intensive and extensive, leading-edge, high
quality educational experiences in the multifarious dimensions of this
emerging new field. VDI will eventually establish and become home to an
accredited school, an holistic academy devoted to the conceptualization,
design, and implementation of sustainable human settlements for the 21st
century. Of course, we use sustainable here rhetorically; were really
designing for the evolution of consciousness in prosperous condition
beyond sustainability.
Ecopoiesis can be roughly defined as home making. In consensus with the
related words ecology, economics, ecofeminism, ecosophy, ecovillage,
ecosystem, etc., the image here is one of returning human livelihood to a
human scale. The home being made here is not the center of a nuclear
family; nor is it a piece of real estate. Home is the encompassing,
inclusive, co-evolving, greater environment in which one makes a living,
and engages in the endeavors of raising a family, deriving meaningful work,
contributing to a community, and entering into a relationship with
greater-than-Self. In this sense, home cannot be excluded from the greater
ecological and biospheric realities in which it is embedded. Ecopoiseis,
then, is consciously creating a mutually beneficial relationship between
the human community and the natural world. And, ecopoiesis is best
conceived and designed at village-scale.
...if it ain't fun it ain't sustainable-- plan on having fun!!!!
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