[Sdpg] Re: [Ccpg] Rumi Permaculture Message translation by Nader Kahili from his self published bookRumi, Dancing the Flame

sdpg-admin at arashi.com sdpg-admin at arashi.com
Sat Oct 6 07:23:33 PDT 2001

Hi everyone
         lost this posting for a while The Poem by Rumi comes from Dancing 
the Flame translation by Nader Khalili of Calearth Earth House , check out 
his website www.calearth.org for the book
Rumi Dancing the Flame
Cal-Earth Press
10225 Baldy Lane
Hesperia Ca 92345
$19.95 prepublication copy only

At 06:03 PM 8/29/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Is this really a Rumi saying?  Or did someone else write it?  I would like 
>to use it and acknowledge the person that did.
>>seek only knowledge
>>   that unties the problems
>>      of your life
>>         seek it soon
>>            before
>>               your number is up
>>                     leave alone
>>               what seems to be
>>                     but is not
>>                      seek what
>>               seems not to be
>>                 yet it might

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