[Sdpg] South Coast Permaculture Guild Events Listing for July 2001.

sdpg-admin at arashi.com sdpg-admin at arashi.com
Sat Jul 14 23:20:45 PDT 2001

                                         South Coast Permaculture Guild
                                         Events Newsletter/JULY 2001

July 2001 Newsletter Content:
1) List of June 2001 Events, Ecovillage Aust. Slideshow/ Workshops, San 
Diego Workshop, SB Organic Talk Cuba, Calpoly SLO
2) List of Future Events, Permaculture Courses in Hawaii, Louisiana, New 
Zealand, Cob Workshop, LA  Sustainable Living Tour
3) Perma News+Jobs Bill Roley needs our help, Permaculture Jobs, New 
Permaculture Book Gaia's Garden,Online Perm.Course
4) List of interesting Websites - Bau-Biologieusa and Permaculture 
International of Australia webpage is up
5) Subscribe to South Coast, Central Coast, San Diego Permaculture Guild 
6)Please send listings and events for next email news by July 28 to 
lakinroe at silcom.com

What is Permaculture?
"We must learn to grow, build, and manage natural systems for human and 
earth needs. and then teach others to do so. In this way, we can build a 
global, interdependent and cooperative body of people involved in ethical 
land and resource use, whose teaching is founded on research but is locally 
available everywhere, and locally demonstrated in many thousands of small 
enterprises covering the whole range of human endeavors."
Bill Mollison "Strategies for an Alternative Nation"  an article  from 
Home! Bioregional Reader  published by New Society Publishers 1990

South Coast Permaculture Guild Contacts and other Organizations of Interest.

South Coast Permaculture Guild Margie Bushman sbpcnet at silcom.com 805-962-2571
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network: Margie Bushman sbpcnet at silcom.com 
Ojai Permaculture Guild: Dave White artdetour at mac.com 805-646-9809
Central Coast Permaculture Guild: Rob Kimmel zigge at aol.com 805-438-5745
San Diego Permaculture Center: San Diego Economic Conversion Council 
sdecc at igc.org (619) 298-8879
Cal Poly Student Farm in SLO:The SARC (Sustainable Ag Resource Center) 
Hunter Francis wfrancis at calpoly.edu
Long Beach Organics: David Krieger-DeWitt dakd at earthlink.net 562-438-9000
Southern East Sierra: Tom Drummond 760-377-5011
Pc Institute of Southern Cal: Bill Roley DrRoley at aol.com 949-494-5843
Santoyo&Associates santoyo at earthflow.com 800-469-5857
LA EcoVillage: Lois Arkin crsp at igc.org 213/738-1254
Permaculture Activist Magazine Website <http://www.permacultureactivist.net>
Permacultura http://permaculture.freeservers.com/Spanish/QueesPermacultura.htm
PERMACULTURE CREDIT UNION http://www.pcuonline.org


Permaculture Discussion Group to Cover Permaculture Principles and 
Practises in Santa Barbara CA
This will be an interactive meeting showing video covering many parts of a 
lecture series on Permaculture Design by Bill Mollison one of the founders 
of Permaculture , audio tapes, other Permaculture Videos, slides and 
discussion each month.
For more info and directions contact Margie Bushman 962-2571 or email 
sbpcnet at silcom.com.
NO MEETING JULY please attend the slideshow and lecture on Crystal Waters 
Ecovillage at the Faulkner Library 7, and come early 5:45pm if you can help 
set up chairs

Wed, July 18 at 7pm Green Directions in Cuba: "Useful Ideas from
Cuban Organic Gardeners and Farmers" featuring Sean Hutchinson,
February 2001 trip to Cuba was featured in an article in the May/June 
magazine. Hutchinson is a musician who promotes global sustainability
awareness. He has produced a CD of his protest songs, called "Global 
Warning Melodies"
Community Environmental Center Gildea Center, 930 Miramonte Drive in Santa 
For more info call Linda or Larry Saltzman at 805/563-2089 or e-mail 
lbuzzell at aol.com."

July 21 Sat -  July 24 Tues  An Introduction to Permaculture: The Art of 
Better Living with
Camp Stevens, Julian, CA  Cost $200
This summer camp for adults features an introduction to "Permaculture," an
ecologically-based design process for meeting human and environmental
needs. You'll learn how to work less, enjoy life more, and care for the
Earth at the same time, just by working WITH natural systems instead of
against them. The workshop will be led by Marcia Boruta, Director, San
Diego Permaculture Center. Topics include:
* Permaculture Ethics, Patterns in Nature, and Multi functional Design
* Natural Systems & Basic Needs: Water, Food, Waste Disposal, Shelter,
Energy, & Transportation
* Social Applications: Urban Permaculture, Voluntary Simplicity,
Globalization, Trade, & Peace
The Cost of Permaculture Camp is $200 (includes 3 nights lodging and 10 meals)
Information: San Diego Permaculture Center, (619) 298-8879 or "sdecc at igc.org"

July 25 Wed  7 to 9pm. HopeDance Monthly Films at the Palm Cinema San Luis 
Obispo Ca
$10 general admission and $5 for students, seniors and disabled.

“Follow The Dirt Road” where director Monique Gauthier travels around the
country interviewing people involved in intentional community living

“The Habitat Revolution” (thanks to Lois Arkin of the LA Ecovillage for
letting us borrow her copy... perhaps it will be the first time in SLO to
premiere a Spanish sub-titled documentary!)an excellent video on the new 
and exciting EcoVillage movement,
Call 544.9663 or email films at hopedance.org for details. Monies go to 
benefit Hopedance

July 26 Thurs. 7 pm $3 Crystal Waters Permaculture Ecovillage Australia 
Slide Show and Talk
Faulkner Gallery Main Library E Anapuma St  Santa Barbara Ca
Morag Gamble and Evan Raymond Ecological Design (Permaculture) Teachers and 
with Sustainable Futures Australia
Crystal Waters Permaculture Village in Australia is one of the most
established and successful examples that exists to date. It has received a
prestigious United Nations World Habitat Award for its "pioneering work in
demonstrating new ways of low-impact sustainable living" and has been listed
in the top 40 of the UN’s Environmental Best Practices database. Crystal
Waters offers a model for their successful development.
Cosponsored by South Coast Hopedance,South Coast Permaculture Guild, Ojai 
Permaculture Guild and LA.Ecovillage, Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
For more Info contact
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network  805-962-2571 sbpcnet at silcom.com

July 27 Ojai Friday evening 8:00 PM Crystal Waters Permaculture Ecovillage 
Australia- Slide Show and Talk
Behind B.A.U. Art Gallery 453 E. Ojai Ave
Morag Gamble and Evan Raymond Ecological Design (Permaculture) Teachers and 
Co-sponsored by South Coast Permaculture Guild, Ojai Permaculture Guild
Contact Dave White artdetour at mac.com 805-646-9809

July 28 9-5 Ecovillage Design Course , Ojai Taft  Botannic Gardens
Morag Gamble and Evan Raymond Ecological Design (Permaculture) Teachers and 
Cost for all day workshop $60 - $100 sliding scale- please help to support 
their work.

Ecovillage Design is a new and innovative field of design that is emerging 
to address our current environmental and social crises in a holistic, 
integrated and positive way, providing sustainable and long-term solutions.

International ecological design teachers and consultants, Morag Gamble and 
Evan Raymond, from Crystal Waters Permaculture Village, Australia

This workshop provides an opportunity to explore the integrated approach of 
planning and designing ecologically sustainable human settlements and 
presents an overview of the design principles used in successful projects 
around the world.

Ecovillages are designed with ecology in mind and encourage people who live 
in and visit them to develop an understanding of the interconnectedness of 
the natural world- to create beneficial relationships between the 
ecological, social, economic and spiritual aspects of their lives. The aim 
is to engage people fully with their head, heart and hands.

Many aspects of ecovillages will be explored during this workshop including:
· What is an ecovillage
· Ecovillage design considerations
· Design for sustainable land management
· Infrastructure development for ecological settlements
· Healthy houses and low impact buildings
· Ecological waste management strategies
· Developing a sense of community belonging
· Community Structures
· Right livelihood and strengthening the local economy

The workshop will include images and case studies of international 
ecovillages, demonstrating the diversity of ways in which ecovillage design 
principles can be applied to meet the needs of local communities and 
For more Info contact and to Pre registration July 23 for the workshop
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network  805-962-2571 sbpcnet at silcom.com

July 29 Sunday 10am-6pm Ecovillage Design Course, LA Ecovillage Los Angeles
Morag Gamble and Evan Raymond Ecological Design (Permaculture) Teachers and 
Cost for all day workshop $60 - $100 sliding scale- please help to support 
their work.
Ecovillage Design is a new and innovative field of design that is emerging 
to address our current environmental and social crises in a holistic, 
integrated and positive way, providing sustainable and long-term solutions. 
Check out LA Ecovillage Website at http://www.ic.org/laev
Make checks out to CRSP and send to 3551 White House Place, Los Angeles CA 
90004. Questions? Call Lois at 213/738-1254 or <crsp at igc.org>. Space is 
limited. Call or email to reserve. To complete your reservation, checks 
must be received by Wednesday, July 26th. (see above for description of 
Ecovillage Design Course)

July 30 Monday Evening 7:30 pm Crystal Waters Permaculture Ecovillage
Slide Show and Talk in Los Angeles  ($10 donation requested, sliding scale ok)
LaEcovillage Los Angeles call Lois Arkin crsp at igc.org 213/738-1254 for time 
and directions
Morag Gamble and Evan Raymond, Ecological Design Teachers & consultants
117 Bimini Place
Los Angeles CA 90004
(Directions: From the intersection of First Street and Vermont Ave. in Los 
Angeles: Go one block east on First. Turn right on Bimini. It's the first 
building on the right. Two blocks south of the Beverly/Vermont Metro 
Station. On the #204 busline, exit at First/Vermont.)

Crystal Waters Ecovillage visit Sponsored by
Common Ground Gardening Program U.C. Extension Los Angeles County
Ecology Center of Southern California <www.ecoprojects.org>
Eco-Home Network <www.ecohome.org>, 323/662-5207
Ecovillage Network of the Americas <http://ena.ecovillage.org>
Global Ecovillage Network <www.gaia.org>
Permaculture Institute of Southern California  Bill Roley
Hopedance Magazine <www.hopedance.org>
South Coast Permaculture Guild , Ojai Permaculture Guild
Santa Barbara Permaculture Network, Margie Bushman, <sbpcnet at silcom.com>, 

At Cal Poly’s Student Experimental Farm!

July 10, 17 and 24. 6:00 ­ 8:30 p.m. Traditional Wisdom for Health and 
Instructor: Craig Lane, Certified Nutritionist and Herbalist
Dates: Tuesday evenings - July 10, 17 and 24. 6:00 ­ 8:30 p.m.
This three-part series will cover the basics in health and healing from a
traditional healing arts perspective. Insightful theories on healing from
ancient China and India (Oriental philosophy) will be emphasized. Students
will learn practical ideas for devising a dietary plan (based on natural 
suitable for their needs as well as culinary tips for preparing healthful,
balanced meals. The Student Farm will provide the opportunity for students to
witness first-hand the cultivation of many of the foods and herbs discussed.
Fee: Three part series, $75. Individual Class, $35.
See Below for Registration

July 14, 21, 28, August 4 and 11. Sat. 9:00 a.m. ­ 12:00 noon Market Gardening
Instructor: Dr. Stephen Moore, Biodynamic Farmer / Bio-Ag Consultant
This five-part class will present and explore a variety of profitable growing
methods and marketing alternatives for large-scale gardeners and small
farmers. Special emphasis will be placed on Biodynamic growing methods and
design and implementation of community supported (CSA) marketing programs.
Hands-on methods will be explored on the Student Farm site.
Fee: Five part series, $125.
For enrollment and detailed information (including CEU possibilities), please
contact: Cal Poly Extended Education www.extendededucation.calpoly.edu

July 21/22 and 28/29, August 11/12 and 18/19 and September 1/2 and 
8/9  9:00 a.m. ­ 3:00 p.m.
Permaculture Design Series Six weekend sessions. Saturdays and Sundays
Instructor: Larry Santoyo, Ecological Designer / Land Use Planner
Permaculture is a practical design process modeled on balanced ecosystems.
This holistic approach to harmonizing human activity with the natural
environment has been used successfully to enhance air and water quality,
increase food production, minimize waste, promote biodiversity and strengthen
community relationships. Through both instructor presentations and hands-on
projects, students in this 12 session series will learn to interpret “patterns
in nature” and to apply them with insight and creativity at home, at work and
in their communities. This course will benefit all people interested in
sustainable living practices.
Fee: Series, $480. Per class, $50.
For enrollment and detailed information (including CEU possibilities), please
contact: Cal Poly Extended Education www.extendededucation.calpoly.edu

July 28th-Aug 3rd, 2001 Permaculture Teachers Course
Location: Mountain Grove Center, Glendale Oregon
Permaculture is poised for a quantum leap, yet there is a shortage
of Permaculture teachers to spread the word. Through this Teacher
Training, PC Design course graduates will learn a whole systems
approach to teaching Permaculture courses with a focus on team teaching.
Permaculture Design course graduates attending this course will
be eligible for a Teacher Training Certificate.
Topics include:
* Philosophy & Ethics of Instruction
* Adult Learning Styles
* Marketing, Economics & Planning
* Presentations & Facilitation
* Organizing Modules & Handouts
* Time and Participant Guidance
* Exercises and Visual Aids
* Evaluations and Feedback
* Tricks of the Trade
* Keeping Up the Spirit
* Staying Healthy
Jude Hobbs is a horticulturist, PC designer and instructor. She has
presented permaculture workshops and courses throughout the west for
11 years. Her teaching techniques are based on curricula that
encompass diverse learning styles. Jude tends a forest garden in
Eugene, Oregon.
Tom Ward is an enthnobotoanist, eco-forester and PC designer. He
has extensive multi-cultural experience in the USA and overseas.
He is the author of Greenward Ho an ecological approach to Sustainable
Health. He has taught PC Design Courses for 15 years and is based in 
Ashland, Oregon.
Mt. Grove Center is an educational center surrounded by 450 acres of
forested land, streams and ponds.

Schedule: Saturday 2:00:00 PM to Friday 9:00 PM
Fee: $565 or $515 (if registered by July 13) Includes instruction,
handouts, camping and meals. Limited parking, $20 refund if you carpool.
For more information call Heather at: (541) 484-7365


August 1st to 21st 2001 Permaculture Design Course Hawaii
Teachers Michael Kramer , Don May and many guest lectures
This is a reminder for the upcoming 21-day Permaculture Design Certification
Course at La‘akea Permaculture Gardens Hawaii
Contribution: $1350 (including accommodation in bunkhouse or camping,
vegetarian meals, field-trips, course manual and tuition).
After the course you can become a Resident Intern and join the La‘akea
Permaculture Community for an in-depth experience of intentional community
and applied permaculture.
Registration at http://permaculture-hawaii.com/permaculture.html
Or call (808) 965-0178 or send an email to programs at permaculture-hawaii.com
for more information.

Permaculture Design Certificate Courses Sept 30- Oct 13 2001
Permaculture On Ground Training Oct 15 -26
These course supports efforts to develop a North American demonstration
of sustainable agriculture and commerce at the deactivated Louisiana
Army Ammunition Plant, where plans are under way to renovate the area
using Permaculture practices. It is amazing place to learn permaculture.
Contact for more info
Northwest Louisiana Commerce Center
2618 York Ave
Minden, Louisiana 71055
877 459-5120 and 318-459-5185

Oct 20 Sat:The Parade of Green Buildings  in Santa Barbara County, Ca
Join the Sustainability Project and CEC on this special tour of innovative 
and environmentally friendly homes, offices and stores. More details to come

Oct 27 Sat. Sustainable Living Tour  Los Angeles All day leaving at 7:45am
Join Landscape Architect Owen Dell via chartered bus on an exciting field 
trip to Los Angeles to visit LAEcovillage (neighborhood in the built out 
mid city area that is working towards becoming a healthy urban community) , 
Ecohome a(on-going research center that demonstrates  ecological living in 
an urban area and Hall House (a private home in Los Angeles retrofitted to 
hold to hold rainwater on site through some revolutionary new techniques 
such as cisterns , berming and others to slow down runoff and reduce need 
for imported water and have a beautiful garden
Limit: 18 Fee: $95 members/ $115 non-members
Santa Barbara Botanic Garden classes, 805 682-4726, ext 102

Oct. 27-28 Plaster and Cob Workshop
Penny Livingston-Stark
Come Explore the Magic of Mud. Learn how to build garden walls and benches
with cob. During this workshop you will also learn to make your own interior
paints and plasters using all non-toxic ingredients. These finishes surpass
most commercially available paints and plasters in quality and aesthetics.
Fee: $250.00
Permaculture Institute of Northern California 2001 Courses
PO Box 341 Pt. Reyes Station, CA 94956
(415) 663-9090

Pattern and Design Nov. 11-12
Richard Feather Anderson & Penny Livingston-Stark
Our world surrounds us with patterns indicating the many processes that
created them. By applying natural patterning to design, we create
environments that are harmonious within the natural systems surrounding us.
In this course discover the many functions of patterns and learn how to
enhance or eliminate, diffuse or concentrate various energies through
pattern application. Fee: $300
Permaculture Institute of Northern California 2001 Courses
PO Box 341 Pt. Reyes Station, CA 94956
(415) 663-9090

Permaculture Courses at Earth Haven Ecovillage in North Carolina
Contact: Culture's Edge, 1025 Camp Elliott Rd., Black Mountain, NC 28711, 
Courses in Permaculture Training , Design Courses ,Permaculture Residency 
Programs, Village Design, Sustainable Forestry, Natural Building and more 
starting March 17

Year Long Permaculture Course/Training offered in New Zealand staring in 
Feb 2001
Practical Skills for Bioregional Sustainability
Aim: To offer professional regional scale training in organic agriculture, 
permaculture design and sustainable land-use management, to highly 
motivated students, with the intention that they use their acknowledge and 
skills to work towards the creation of a heathy, balanced ecosystems and 
the flourishing of a wholistic and prosperous culture
Course will utilize the entire bioregion of Golden Bay as a "learning 
center' with tutors being local. experienced, successful practitioners who 
are actually 'doing it on places that 'show it'
Organized by Te Wharerangi Trust and Earthcare Education Aotearoa Trust
For info Robina McCurdy, Earthcare Education Aotearoa,
Tui Community, Wainui Bay, RD1, Takaka, Aotearoa/New Zealand
robina at win.co.nz phone 03-5258488 fax 03-5258659


Annoucement of illness of Bill Roley Permaculture Teacher
Long time Permaculture Designer and Teacher Bill Roley has been going thru 
a longterm struggle with Throat Cancer and needs the community support. For 
20 years in Southern Ca Bill  "long time leader in
ecosensibility for this region and beyond, founding permaculture institute of
southern california, sprout acres, center for regenerative studies, and
teacher .as a sensitive energy being i know he'd appreciate positive vibes 
towards his healing."
If you can help please consider sending some financial support to help him 
in the ongoing months
Please send your gifts and cards directly to:
Bill Roley
1120 Keller Way
Laguna Beach, California 92651

Part-time employment and intern opportunities available.
The Artistry of Biodiversity
Be a part of a sustainable earth works team. Help construct and maintain 
edible landscapes...install and care for orchard "food forests," ponds and 
water systems...learn to care for and harvest a "rare" foods and fruit 
collection and tend specialty market gardens...learn the art of building 
with stone, bamboo, strawbales and mud...and much more
Have fun, work hard, help the world be a better place!
Male or female, Permaculture Design Course graduates preferred. Must be 
reliable, flexible and fit for heavy work, willing to learn and must have a 
sense of humor!
Hourly wage depending on experience.
Larry Santoyo
EarthFlow Designs
santoyo at earthflow.com

FT or PT - Permaculture Credit Union in Santa Fe, New Mexico is seeking a 
manager to manage all facets of its credit union. Permaculture CU is a 
$500,000 credit union with approximately 200 members. It is the first 
credit union to be chartered in New Mexico in 30 years. The field of 
membership covers Permaculture members all over the world, but primarily 
located in NM, AZ, & CA. Qualified candidates will have 5 years of broad 
management experience covering all aspects of running a financial 
institution including development of a credit union, marketing, lending, 
finance and operations; familiarity with financial institution auditing 
procedures; ability to work with volunteers; excellent skills in 
communication and leadership. Including the manager this will be a 2-person 
office. This position is available full or part-time. The salary for full 
time employment is $30,000 per year, however part-time employment at a 
higher rate of pay would be considered. Please forward your resume to: fax 
(505) 899-6352 or email: memarso at swcp.com EOE

We are looking for vibrant people with a permaculture passion to join us in 
our community., the Gesundheit! Institute in West Virginia,. Primary is 
your exuberance for participation as well as your capacity to care for your 
own delight. Simultaneous is your 10 plus years of direct , full time 
application of Permaculture Principles with a focus on food production and 
energy efficient buildings. Ultimately, we aim to be an example of 
generating our own food and fuel supplies. Untapped is our land's capacity 
to generate consistent hyroelectric power. Direct your first flirts to our 
land staff at 304-653-4438 or email greena at patchadams.org


The first book to locate Permaculture in the American Landscape

Activist Editor Toby Hemenway has assembled a practical and user friendly 
guide to backyard permaculture. Skillfully written and full of examples 
from the foremost permaculture gardens across the country, the text 
introduces permaculture principles at work, explaining the basics of this 
ingenious language of design. Chapters cover Soil, Water Management, and 
Choice of Plants, as well as more advanced subjects as Interplanting, 
Guilds, Forest Gardens and Garden Evolution. Drawing on a wealth of 
Permaculture Lessons and Lore, the author documents the dramatic successes 
of ordinary men and women in bringing barren landscapes to life and in 
doing so, he swings wide the permaculture gate for all garden lovers to enter.

A Guide to Home-Scale PERMACULTURE
240 pages copiously illustrated with table of useful species organized by 
size, type, hardiness requirements and yields plus glossary, bibliography 
and resources, list suppliers, and a forward by John Todd
$25.00 + 2.50 shipping
Send check to
The Permaculture Activist
PO Box 1209
Black Mountain NC 28711

Hopedance Magazine Pathways to Sustainable Living and Positive solutions
A magazine that comes out every two months is a great source of information 
on activities for the Permaculture Community in Southern Ca and our 
activities we Santa Barbara Permaculture Network are involved as editors 
and distributors latest issue July/Aug Sustainable Living Arrangements 
issue can be picked up free in Ojai , Ventura, SLO outlets
Please subscribe to support this great regional magazine at $20 per year 6 
P.O. Box 15609
San Luis Obispo Ca 93406
hopedance at aol.com   www.hopedance.org

Announcing the Opening of The Permaculture Credit Union
The Permaculture Credit Union is a reality. A new kind of environmentally 
responsive financial institution has been created and chartered. It is 
possibly the first credit union founded upon the Earth Care principles of 
Permaculture ethics, namely respect for natural systems, respect for 
people, and no waste ( which in banking will mean the reinvestment and 
recycling of surplus back into the community being served). Our mission is 
to pool the financial resources of people who subscribe to these ethical 
principles and provide a financial vehicle that will allow these resources 
to be put to work creating a sound sustainable, environmentally responsible 
future. We believe we have targeted a market that is severely unserved by 
existing financial institutions- those people who are committed to a 
cleaner environment, healthy food and water, sustainable energy use, and a 
more conscious lifestyle. It will create the opportunity for members to 
control the use of money in the community and contribute to the 
revitalization of local well-being.
         The PCU is now close to 200 with $500,000 in share and term and 
needs to grow to $1,000,000 in order to offer more services to the 
Permaculture Community.
Permaculture Credit Union
4250 Cerrillo Road
Santa Fe , NM 87505 (505) 954-3479 fax (505) 424-1624  perma at pcuonline.org

Permaculture Course ONline starting Oct 14,2001
Elfin Permaculture's sixth annual Permaculture Design Course Online will
begin Oct. 14, 2001. The course runs about six months and includes reading
from texts, weekly posts of "lectures" sent via email, email discussion of
course topics, and a set of student reports, including a full permaculture
design report from all certificate candidates. Instructors are Dan and
Cynthia Hemenway of the USA, assisted by Willem Smuts of South America and
Tim Packer of New Zealand.
We list full details of the program, including financial arrangements, in the
course protocol, listed at http://barkingfrogspc.tripod.com/frames.html
Enrollment is limited to 20 full students, of whom no more than ten may
submit full designs in this session. There are a variety of other
arrangements, including unlimited room for monitors, detailed in the course
One scholarship is currently available for this course. This can be split as
two half scholarships, etc.
The deadline for completed scholarship applications to be received at Barking
Frogs Permaculture Center, Sparr FLORIDA, USA, is August 1, 2001. No
extensions for any reason. Email Dan Hemenway at Permacltur at aol.com for
details on how to apply. Contributions for additional scholarships, and to
assist scholarship students with purchase of reading matter, are greatly


Just came across the webpage of Bau-Biologieusa 
Gary Duncan of Smartshelter Network talk about this movement from Germany 
that trains people to check on toxicity of buildings and materials that are 
affecting humans health

Permaculture International of Australia 
http://www.nor.com.au/environment/perma/ is back on line reporting on the 
International Permaculture movement which they have done since the 1979. 
Check out the valuable resources , courses, online  newsletter 
and  contacts in Australia


To get Up to Date Permaculture Ongoing Announcements for courses , events 
and posting of articles of interest try subscribing to our local 
Permaculture Listserves ccpg serves San Lois Obispo ,scpg serves Santa 
Barbara down and including Los Angeles, and sdpg serves San Diego area. 
Below are the instructions how to sign up
thanks to John Howe for setting them up
this works the same for each separate list:
central coast list(ccpg at arashi.com), south coast(scpg at arashi.com), and the 
san diego
list (sdpg at arashi.com)

TO SUBSCRIBE to this mailing listserve

Basically, the info is more web based now so log on the each website you 
want to subscribe to
SoCal PCG subscription
SanDiego PCG subsciption
CentralCoast Cal PCG subscription

Please send listings and events for next email news by july 28 to 
lakinroe at silcom.com

Mail Address    South Coast Permaculture Guild and Santa Barbara 
Permaculture Network
                 224E Figueroa ST #C
                 Santa Barbara CA 93101

"What permaculturists are doing is the most important activity that any
group is doing on the planet. We don't know what details of a truly
sustainable future are going to be like, but we need options, we need
people experimenting in all kinds of ways and permaculturists are one of
the critical gangs that are doing that."
Dr David Suzuki geneticist, broadcaster
and international environmental advocate

Permaculture education includes principles and practices of
sustainable soil, water, crop, forest, architectural, business, and
finance systems ­ ethical investment, community loan support and small
business management.

Taken from the Latin, permanens, to endure or persist through time and
cultura, cultures - permaculture is an interdisciplinary design
science focused on sustainable system design. Sustainable systems are
defined as those that, over their lifetime, produce energy equivalent
to or in excess of what they consume.

Permaculture operates on three ethics: care of the earth, care of the
species and return of excess to the first two.

The Movement
Permaculture is also a world wide network and movement of individuals and 
groups working in both rich and poor countries on all continents. Largely 
unsupported by government or business, these people are contributing to a 
sustainable future by reorganizing their life and work around permaculture 
design principles. In this way they are creating small local changes but 
ones which are directly and indirectly influencing action in the wider 
environment, organic agriculture, appropriate technology, communities and 
other movements for a sustainable world. After 20 years Permaculture may 
rank as one of Australia's most significant "intellectual exports".

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