[Sdpg] Permaculture Camp at Camp Stevens near San Diego Ca Sat July 21 to July 24

sdpg-admin at arashi.com sdpg-admin at arashi.com
Sat Jul 14 06:44:28 PDT 2001

 From Marcia
      Please consider just coming one day and take our special Taste of 
Permaculture Special
call Marcia as her email just went down at (619) 298-8879

The San Diego Permaculture Center Presents The 2nd Annual Permaculture Camp --

An Introduction to Permaculture:
The Art of Better Living with Nature

Saturday, July 21 - Tuesday, July 24, 2001
at Camp Stevens, Julian, CA

Slow down.  Relax.  Experience the pace of the natural world.

That's what you'll do at The 2nd Annual Permaculture Camp presented July
21-24 by the San Diego Permaculture Center.  The setting is beautiful Camp
Stevens nestled in pine-oak woodland in the mountains near San Diego.  The
256 acre site serves as the environmental education center of the Episcopal
Dioceses of Los Angeles & San Diego.

This summer camp for adults features an introduction to "Permaculture," an
ecologically-based design process for meeting human and environmental
needs.  You'll learn how to work less, enjoy life more, and care for the
Earth at the same time, just by working WITH natural systems instead of
against them.  The workshop will be led by Marcia Boruta, Director, San
Diego Permaculture Center and long time Permaculture Teacher  Bill Roley.
Topics include:
      * Permaculture Ethics, Patterns in Nature, and Multifunctional Design
      * Natural Systems & Basic Needs: Water, Food, Waste Disposal, Shelter,
Energy, & Transportation
      * Social Applications: Urban Permaculture, Voluntary Simplicity,
Globalization, Trade, & Peace

The Cost of Permaculture Camp is $200 (includes 3 nights lodging and 10 meals)

Information:  San Diego Permaculture Center, (619) 298-8879 or 
"sdecc at igc.org" email down please call


The Cost of Permaculture Camp is $200 (includes 3 nights lodging and 10 meals)
* The workshop begins with lunch on Saturday, July 21 and concludes with
lunch on Tuesday, July 24.  Meals include vegetarian and non-vegetarian
choices.  Lodging is in enclosed dormitory cabins (6-12 beds per room) or
open-air A-frame cabins (for groups of 3 or more) with shared restroom
facilities.  Bring your own bedding or sleeping bag, pillow and towel.
* Discount for Members & for Referrals:  A 10% discount is offered to
members of the San Diego Economic Conversion & Permaculture Center and to
people who bring a new person to the workshop!
* Children:  The permaculture workshop is currently designed for adults,
but families with children are welcome to register for "Family Camp"
running concurrently at Camp Stevens.  For details about  "Family Camp,"
contact Camp Stevens at (760) 765-0028 or on the web at
"www.campstevens.org" or send email to "info at campstevens.org"

Registration for the 2nd Annual Permaculture Camp at Camp Stevens, July
21-24, 2001

Space is limited.  To register, send your name and address with a
non-refundable deposit of $50 per person to:  SDECC, 4452 Park Blvd. Suite
205, San Diego, CA 92116.  Please make checks payable to "SDECC" or "San
Diego Economic Conversion Council."  The San Diego Permaculture Center is a
project of SDECC, a nonprofit, 501(c)(3), educational organization
promoting sustainable development and defense conversion since 1985.
Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

Address _________________________________ City/State __________________ Zip
Phone _________________________ Fax__________________________
___ Enclosed is my nonrefundable deposit of $50/person: $____________ Total
___ I prefer to send the full payment now:
$____________ Total Enclosed
___ I was referred by:  (Name)
___ Car pooling:  ____ I can offer a ride.   ___ I need a ride.
(You may release my name & phone for carpooling purposes.)
___ Membership in San Diego Economic Conversion Council & Permaculture
Center: $_____________
(Dues:  $35 Individual, $50 Family, $100 Sponsor, $500 Sustainer, $20
Student/Fixed Income)
___ Contribution to support the work of the San Diego Permaculture Center
project: $____________

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