California Society for Ecological Restoration Conference Meeting in Santa Barbara CA Oct 26,27,28 2000

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at
Wed Aug 2 22:52:31 PDT 2000

        For those who are interested in learning and hearing what is the state
of Ecological Restoration in California . You might want to attend the Annual
Conference of the California Society for Eclogical Restoration when they meet
at UCSB on Fri/Sat Oct 27,28.
and 3 Great Workshops  An Analytical Approach to Restoration
Riparian Habitats and  
Erosion Control on Thursday Oct 26
Please go the website to get info on cost and registration. Deadline is Sept

Conference Schedule

Friday October 27, 2000

7:30 - 9:00 A.M. Registration; Poster & Exhibitor Set-up

9:00 - 9:10 Welcome - John Coy, SERCAL President

Plenary Session Trends and Lessons In Ecological Restoration

9: 10 - 10:00 Keynote Address: “ Confessions of a Restorationist: Lessons
Learned During 15 Years of Planning, Experimentation and Assessment “ Wayne R.
Ferren, Jr., UCSB Museum of Systematics and Ecology, Department of Ecology,
Evolution and Marine Biology.

10:00 - 10:30 Open Discussion

10:30 - 10.45 Break

10:45 - 12:00 Panel Discussion: “ Dirty Secrets: Soils and Restoration”

Moderator: Margot Griswold, Habitat Restoration Specialist, Earthworks
Construction and Design, Los Angeles. Panelists: Vic Claassen, Soil Science,
Dept.of Land, Air and Water Resources, UC Davis;

David Kelley, Soil Geomorphology, Kelley and Associates Environmental
Inc., Davis;

Ted St. John, Soil Ecology, Reforestation Technology, Inc.

12:00 - 1:30 PM Lunch Break

Concurrent Technical Sessions

1:30 - 3:30 Session 1: Technology in Ecological Restoration, GIS/GPS

Chair: Kris Bonner, Applied Engineering Technology - Jones & Stokes, Irvine

1:30 - 4:00 Session 2: Invasive Weeds

Chair: Ron Unger, Senior Restoration Ecologist, EDAW, Inc., Sacramento

1:30 - 3:30 Session 3: Soil Ecosystems and Restoration Success

Chair: David Kelley, Kelley & Associates Environmental Sciences, Inc., Davis

1:30 - 4:00 Session 4: Salt Marsh Restoration

Chair: Wayne R. Ferren, Jr., UCSB, Exec. Director Museum of Systematics and
Ecology; Dept. of Ecology, Evolution and Marine Biology

6:30 - 9:30 An Evening of Celebration - Corwin Pavilion. Open to all

Saturday October 28, 2000

9:30 - 11:30 AM Concurrent Technical Sessions

Session 5: Mitigation Banking & Project Funding Sources

Co-Chairs: Craig Denisoff, Vice President New Projects / Governmental Affairs,
Greg Sutter, Executive Vice President./ Director of Restoration, Wildlands,
Inc., Citrus Heights

Session 6: Policy and Legal Issues

Chair: Joyce Grant Hunting, Director, Wetlands Studies & Permitting Services,
EIP Associates., Sacramento

Session 7: Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration

Co-Chairs: Margot Griswold, Habitat Restoration Specialist, Earthworks
Construction & Design, Los Angeles ; Ileene Anderson, Anderson Botanical
Consulting, W. Hollywood.

Session 8: Riparian / Urban Streams Restoration - Part I

Chair: Debra Bishop, Senior Restoration Ecologist, EDAW, Inc., Sacramento

11:30 - 1:00 PM Lunch Break

1:00 - 3:00 PM Concurrent Technical Sessions

Session 9: Panel Discussion- "A Vision of California Restored"

Moderator: Lisa Wallace, Earth Island Institute, San Francisco.

Panelists representing Science, NGO, Government, Labor and Business:
Development in progress.

Session 10: Channel Islands

Chair: Kathryn McEachern, USGS - BRD, Channel Islands Field Station, Ventura

Session 11: Arid and Mined Lands Restoration

Chair: Karen Wiese, CA Dept. of Conservation, Office of Mine Reclamation

Session 12: Riparian / Urban Streams Restoration - Part II

Chair: Debra Bishop, Senior Restoration Ecologist, EDAW, Inc., Sacramento

3:00 - 3:30 Break

3.30 - 4:30 Conference Closure, SERCAL Members meeting - Corwin Pavilion

4:30 Poster/Exhibitor Breakdown

Please Note: As sessions are finalized,

abstracts will be posted on SERCAL’s website


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