4th Edition "Create an Oasis with Greywater" available

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Tue Jun 13 23:51:12 PDT 2000

Dear Ecological Design Fan:

This is one of very few mass e mailings you’ll get from Oasis Design...

"Create an Oasis with Greywater", 4th Edition, is in from the printer.
It describes how you can save water and relieve strain on your septic
tank (or sewer) by irrigating with reused wash water. There are 35 new
photos and lots of new information.

Yours,  Art

PS-We will have another greywater book ready soon-the "branched drain
greywater system manual"-see bottom of press release, below.

Oasis Design home page <http://www.oasisdesign.net/>
More info on books, ordering: <http://www.oasisdesign.net/books/>
Ecological Design Q&A

********Press Release*********

"Create an Oasis with Greywater" 4th Edition, February 2000

"The best resource on greywater I have found. A must have for anyone
designing or installing a greywater system." -Harrowsmith Country Life

"Create an Oasis with Greywater" describes how you can save water and
relieve strain on your septic tank (or sewer) by irrigating with reused
wash water. Learn how to choose, build and use greywater systems for any

need, from simple laundry-only systems for droughts, to greywatered
solar greenhouses, to systems that divert greywater permanently and
completely from the septic or sewer.

The new fourth edition includes:

* How to choose, build and use twenty types of systems that work
* 35 new photos
* 22 figures
* A guide to common greywater mistakes and preferred practices
* Greywater sources and irrigation requirements
* System selection chart
* Health guidelines
* Plumbing principles
* Preserving soil quality
* Maintenance and troubleshooting
* Adaptations for cold or wet conditions
* Coordination with rainwater harvesting, composting toilets, edible
* Comprehensive list of suppliers and references

"Create an Oasis with Greywater: Your Complete Guide to Choosing,
Building and Using Greywater Systems"  By Art Ludwig  Published and
distributed by Oasis Design, 2000  ISBN 0-9643433-0-4, 51 pages, 8.5" x
11" $14.95

In the works:  "Branched Drain Greywater System Design & Build Guide"
(working title)  A manual that fully explains the building and use of
"branched drain greywater systems"-a simple, bombproof design developed
by Oasis-which achieves automated, reliable subsurface irrigation
without pump, filter, valves or surge tank, using all off-the shelf
components.  *****************************************

If you would prefer not to receive (very occasional) announcements of
new books from Oasis, reply to this e mail with the message body or
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Art Ludwig <odesign at sprynet.com>

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