[Lapg] 3-15, 2 PM Transition Towns: Toward Sustainability--A Presentation at the Claremont Library

Steph Rioux srioux at calarts.edu
Fri Mar 13 19:50:13 PDT 2009

The following announcement is copied from a flyer picked up at the  
Claremont LIbrary:

A Transition Town Initiative starts when a community comes together  
with a shared concern: how can we respond to the challenges, and  
opportunities, of Peak Oil and Climate Change--and all those aspects  
for life the community needs in order to sustain itself and thrive?

There are now more than 130 Transition Initiatives in thirteen  
nations worldwide. The first was in the UK in 2006. In California,  
Santa Cruz and Sebastapol have joined the initiative, as well as Pine  
Mountain and Laguna Beach here in the Southland. This is but one of  
several affiliations Claremont might consider.

Sarah Edwards is a trainer for the U.S. Transition Initiatives  
Network, and Director of Pine Mountain's "Let's Live Local," which  
recently became the 11th official Transition Initiative in the U.S.  
and the 3rd in California. Join us and meet with Sarah and Paul  
Edwards after the presentation.

This presentation by Sarah Edwards is co-sponsored by the League of  
Women Voters of the Claremont Area, Friends of the Claremont Library,  
and the Sustainable Claremont Formation Committee.

Claremont LIbrary, Meeting Room, 208 N. Harvard Ave. Claremont, CA  
91711, 909-621-4902

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