This is the second event in Sweetwater Collaborative's new Women's EmPOWERment series. For this pilot series, we request that only women attend. Tanks for the Rain is a hands-on workshop diverting downspouts, installing a rain tank, and creating infiltration basins/overflow for the tank. There is no cost for participants; however, you need to register ahead of time online. Register now for Tanks for the Rain.
This will be a learning through doing workshop, with additional
educational points reviewed during the break and lunch. If you want to
learn more about rainwater harvesting tanks and earthworks,
encourage you to attend our 101 class on rainwater harvesting. There you
can get answers to general questions or specifics not related to the
workshop installation that we don't have time to cover during our
hands-on workshops. The suggested donation for these classes is just $10
per person. Our next RWH 101 class will be held on Tuesday, March 5 at
the Louise Lowry Davis Center in downtown Santa Barbara.
Never cease to stand like curious children before the Great Mystery into which we were born.
-Albert Einstein