Please join us for a potluck garden party on October 21st, 12-2pm, to celebrate SEVEN YEARS of volunteers growing fruit for the Food Bank. Please bring any surplus homegrown produce to share.
You are also invited, on the preceding Saturday evening, to come along to hear Robert Kourik, author of ‘Understanding Roots’ and ‘Roots Demystified’, in an informal presentation and conversation (and potluck of pizza and salad) at the Watershed Resource Center on Saturday Oct. 14th, 6:30-8pm.
We’ll still be volunteering every Saturday as usual, so here’s our garden task-list.
Garden Calendar:
Saturdays – Volunteer work-party {9am-12noon}
October 14 – Informal discussion with Robert Kourik at the Watershed Resource Center {6:30-8pm} >>Details<<
October 21 – Anniversary Potluck Lunch – Come and help us celebrate the garden’s 7th anniversary {12noon}
Hope to see you at the garden soon.
Hugh Kelly
Mesa Harmony Garden
a 501(c)3 non-profit foundation