For more than five years, Sweetwater Collaborative has taken a front and center role offering practical solutions to the drought in our Santa Barbara community and beyond.
Please honor our five+ years of service making Santa Barbara water wise in ways that are beautiful, practical, and that build community. Make a contribution in any amount that has to do with FIVE-- Multiples of FIVE, numbers that include a FIVE, or end in a FIVE.
Donate now
Our 2016 Accomplishments
We continued to provide water wise awareness, water wise education, and water wise re-landscaping to community members on the South Coast.  
Thank you for your support! Donate at http://tinyurl.com/give-sweet2
 You can also click on the contribute button on the left sidebar of any page on our website, at the bottom of the blue widget, or send a check to PO Box 134, Santa Barbara, CA 93102
_____$15 _____$25 _____$50 _____$55 _____$105 _____$250 _____other
barbara wishingrad, Coordinator, Sweetwater Collaborative

The path isn't a straight line; it's a spiral. 
You continually come back to things you 
thought you understood, and see deeper truths.