[Southern California Permaculture] Saturday morning ++ a date for your calendar...

Hugh Kelly hkelly at talk21.com
Thu Mar 15 20:20:34 PDT 2018

Vicki and Joe hope they can look forward to seeing you in the garden this Saturday, 9am-12noon… 


We’re all looking forward to April 7th when we’re starting the MESA NEIGHBORHOOD EXCHANGE – an opportunity for our community to get together every month and share the surplus from our gardens. The exchange will be from 11am-1pm, and will include a community potluck. Bring food to eat and produce to share, and come prepared to do some brainstorming as we work out together how to organize these events going forward. 

Please get back to me if you are interested in playing a part to help organize future exchanges. 


Garden Calendar:

Saturdays     – Volunteer work-party {9am-12noon}

March 24      – A group of volunteers from  <http://www.sbsos.org/about-sbsos.html> SBSOS will be joining us in the garden {9am-12noon} 

April 7          – Mesa Neighborhood Exchange {11am-1pm} 


Hope to see you in the garden soon!


Best wishes, 



Hugh Kelly
 <http://www.mesaharmonygarden.org/> Mesa Harmony Garden

a 501(c)3 non-profit foundation


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