[Southern California Permaculture] MHG: Volunteer Mornings in May

Hugh Kelly hkelly at talk21.com
Thu May 5 20:14:17 PDT 2016

Please join us for our regular Saturday morning Volunteer Work-parties  – 9am-12noon. 


We’re currently working on …

-       The design of the new garden feature / shaded seating area at the bottom of the central path.

-       Extending the deep-drip irrigation system to include the roses we planted around the outside of the fence. 

-       Clearing space to plant even more succulents that have been donated to the garden.

-       General tree-care.


We’ve been making our first donations of fruit to the Food Bank – early-ripening peaches and nectarines.

If you like hanging out with other gardeners, spreading mulch, pulling weeds, taking care of trees – this is where you need to be.


Garden Calendar:

Saturdays        – Volunteer work-party {9am-12noon}

May 14            – Master Gardener workshop {10am} – “Tune up your garden tools” << Details <http://www.mesaharmonygarden.org/workshop.html> >>


Hope to see you at the garden soon.





Hugh Kelly
 <http://www.mesaharmonygarden.org/> Mesa Harmony Garden

a 501(c)3 non-profit foundation




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