[Scpg] MHG - Volunteer Morning, Sat May 4

Hugh Kelly hkelly at talk21.com
Sun Apr 28 14:54:43 PDT 2013


THIS Saturday . May 4th . there's planting to be done .


9am to 12:30  - Volunteer Work-party

12noon to 1pm - Mesa Neighborhood Exchange


If you missed our mid-April Friday workday, then you're in for a surprise.
the transformation of the forest understory is off to a great start. 

COME ALONG ON SATURDAY to take part in the continuing development of our
Community Food Forest.


As usual, we'll have our work-party in the morning, and then host the Mesa
Neighborhood Exchange. Please bring your surplus home-grown fruit and
veggies to share, meet up with neighbors and support the Mesa Community's
very own food forest to feed the hungry.


Flyer attached - please post wherever seems appropriate. 


Thanks for all your support.



Hugh Kelly
 <http://www.mesaharmonygarden.org/> Mesa Harmony Garden

a 501(c)3 private non-profit foundation


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