[Scpg] Local ( SB ) Live-In Intentional Community / Permaculture / Locavore / High Spirit mtg Aug 9

quantumvibe at mac.com quantumvibe at mac.com
Mon Jul 26 19:56:28 PDT 2010

Greetings everyone

I've booked Ayni Gallery for Monday, August 9th 7pm til close for this progress report. 

For the last two years, I've been working with various factions to set up a cooperating residential community here in Santa Barbara. 

The vision is changing, and some fruit is ready to drop. 

There's a lot going on, and I expect there will be more to report in two weeks. Many developments locally, and on the state level as well. 

An umbrella Land Trust has been proposed, there is a new Flexible Corporation entity specifically for Triple Bottom Line groups, 

a Time Bank is forming, and partnerships in an existing property are available. 

The attempt here is to cross link the Blue Economy investors, the local Slow Money Alliance, The Permaculture Guild, the Locavores, 

the Communitarians and the High Spirited folks and see what shakes out. 

Check out the flyer if you're so inclined and I hope to see you at Ayni - hopefully we will be recovered after Fiesta! 



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