[Scpg] climate change: the good news and bad news

LBUZZELL at aol.com LBUZZELL at aol.com
Wed Jun 3 08:01:28 PDT 2009

>From the clever Brits behind the new global warming film "Age of Stupid"  
(not yet released in the US). Thanks to Bob Banner for passing this along to  
Begin forwarded message:

From: Leo Murray <_postie at ageofstupid.net_ (mailto:postie at ageofstupid.net) >
Date: June 3, 2009 2:16:57 AM  PDT
To: _age-of-stupid at aos.dh.bytemark.co.uk_ 
(mailto:age-of-stupid at aos.dh.bytemark.co.uk) 
Subject: [Age-of-Stupid] Bad News  / Good News from the climate front line
Reply-To: _feedback at ageofstupid.net_ (mailto:feedback at ageofstupid.net) 

Hi Everyone, 

_Leo_ (http://www.ageofstupid.net/node/798)  here,  content producer for 
the Stupid websites and campaign strategist for Not  Stupid. I'll be pitching 
in to some of these mailing list messages from now  until Copenhagen, to 
keep you up to speed on the campaigny side of things at  Stupid Towers, as well 
as flagging up major developments in the wider world  of climate science 
and politics. Experience has, sadly, taught us that news  from the world of 
climate science is seldom good - but I'll try to make up  for this by giving 
you the word on the street about where the climate action  is too, so you can 
get involved, or at the very least be inspired. OK, take  a deep breath. 

The Bad News
    *   _MIT's centre for Global Climate Change Science_ 
(http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2009/roulette-0519.html)  have  revised their best guess of 
temperature rise by the end of the century if  humanity continues with 
business-as-usual - to 5.2˚C. This is well in  excess of the median estimate in the 
worst-case scenario looked at in the  most recent IPCC report in 2007. With 
a 5˚ rise, we all fry of course, but  this would still be better than the 9% 
chance they now think there is of a  7˚ rise. 7˚C! The conclusions of the 
MIT study confirm other recent  revisions of temperature rise by the 
_International Energy Agency (IEA)_ 
0) , which has warned of a  6˚ rise if we remain on our current emissions 
trajectory, and the _MET office's Hadley Centre,_ 
(http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/environment/article5371682.ece)  which also guesstimated a  5-7˚ 
rise if we don't change course.  
    *   Meanwhile Kofi Annan's charity, the _Global Humanitarian Forum,_ 
fm)  reports that global warming  is already causing 300,000 deaths each 
year, and the _Inernational Organization for Migration_ 
_brief.pdf)  predicts 200  million climate refugees by 2050. (Franny and 
Pete P  will be speaking alongside Kofi Annan at the Forum's event in Geneva 
on  June 24th.)  
    *   The Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade Bill passing  through the US 
Congress has been hailed as good news by many, and in some  ways it is. 
Unfortunately its bloated and dizzying array of measures look  set to repeat all the 
mistakes of the first round of the EU emissions  trading scheme, with 
ludicrously inadequate targets, massive loopholes and  85% of the pollution permits 
handed out to big polluters for free. The  coal industry have warmly 
welcomed the latest  draft.

And... breathe. It's time for:

The Good  News
    *   The UN climate negotiations are just starting to pick up pace in 
Bonn  this week, with the first draft treaty text tentatively accepted by all  
parties as a reasonable starting point for the talks, which will conclude  
in Copenhagen in December. The 53 page text was still criticised by both  
rich and poor alike for not being 'balanced' enough, although at this  stage 
it is still full of blanks, to be filled in at later sessions. Watch  this 
    *   Russia has quietly performed an astonishing volte-face on climate  
policy, accepting in their newly published 'doctrine' that anthropogenic  
global warming poses severe risks and requires immediate action to limit  
carbon emissions. Nostrovia!
    *   Here's a _lovely short film about the Kingsnorth Six_ 
(http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/video/2009/may/31/nick-broomfield-kingsnorth) , 
the  Greenpeace activists who painted 'Gordon' down the side of one the  
chimneys of Kingsnorth coal power station last year, and were subsequently  
acquitted by a jury in an historic ruling. The jury, on hearing a lot of  expert 
evidence from climate scientists, decided the damage the activists  caused 
was justified in the face of the terrible threat of climate change.  Go 
    *   Friends of the Earth have launched a new campaign against  
international offsetting, where rich countries pay poor countries to be  more 
sustainable, then write off their own emissions as if they'd  magically 
disappeared. It's the elephant in the ointment of the UNFCCC  process - sign up to 
stop it here: _www.demandclimatechange.com_ 
(http://www.demandclimatechange.com/) .  
    *   Climate change is just one symptom of a  broader sickness - 
over-consumption. 8th June sees the premiere of _The  End of the Line_ 
(http://endoftheline.com/things_to_do/screenings) , a new doc spelling out how the old 
adage about there  being plenty more fish in the sea is now very far from the 
    *   _We Support Solar,_ 
(http://wesupportsolar.net/news/we-support-solar-photography-competition/)  a broad coalition of NGOs, businesses  and 
individuals who want to see more solar power in the UK, have launched  a June 
photography competition, looking for pics of sunlight falling on  our sceptred 
isle. Get snapping.
    *   For those of us trapped in the Big Smoke, _Love London  Green 
Festival kicks off this week,_ (http://www.lovelondon.org.uk/page/64)  and runs 
to the 28th June. 99% of  events are free.  
    *   If you're across the pond, we're gearing up for Stupid's landfall 
in  the States this September, and we'd love to hear from anyone out there  
who'd like to get involved with helping pack out the cinemas during the US  
theatrical run. If this is you, please email _rhiannon at ageofstupid.net_ 
(mailto:rhiannon at ageofstupid.net)  who can explain how to  help.  
    *   Stupid got a mention at Shell's AGM at the Hague  last week, as a 
private shareholder asked the board whether or not they  had seen the film. 
They oiled their way out of answering the question of  course. They're very 
well trained. Meanwhile over in New York, Shell have  been_  frantically 
trying to stop people watching this moving video_ 
(http://www.shellguilty.com/wiwa-v-shell-video/)  in  advance of their trial for their role in human 
rights and environmental  abuses in Nigeria. The delayed trial begins today.
    *   Good riddance to US car giant General Motors, who  declared 
bankruptcy this week! Whilst this is sad news for the thousands  of workers set to 
lose their jobs, it is very good news for the climate.  As late as 2008, 
GM's Vice Chairman Bob Lutz was calling global warming a  "total crock of 
shit". GM are the lunatics responsible for Hummers. Nuff  said.  
    *   Finally, Team Stupid joined the suffragette-inspired  _Climate 
Rush_ (http://climaterush.co.uk/)  on a lovely bike tour of London's climate  
criminals on Monday night, which ended in a _sit-in protest on Westminster 
Bridge_ (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/london/8078380.stm) . Deeds not 
words!  (Awesome outfits too.)  
    *   Oh, and one more thing for any Brits - vote Green  in the European 
elections on Thursday. It's going to be a battle  between the Greens and the 
BNP, heaven help us.

Phew.  That's it for now.


Age-of-Stupid  mailing list
_Age-of-Stupid at aos.dh.bytemark.co.uk_ 
(mailto:Age-of-Stupid at aos.dh.bytemark.co.uk) 

Bob Banner
Publisher &  Director

Radical Solutions Inspiring Hope  •  2975  Vineyard Dr.  •  Templeton, CA 
93465  •   805.369-0203
_http://www.hopedance.org/cms_ (http://www.hopedance.org/cms) 
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Follow us at twitter: _http://twitter.com/hopedance_ 

edible SLO: Celebrating Local Food, Farmers and Healthy Food in  SLO County
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(http://www.hopedance.org/)   / 805.369-0203
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_http://www.hopedance.org/cms/content/view/535/1_ (http://www.hopedance.org/cms/content/view/535/1) 
Transition CA: _http://transitioncalifornia.ning.com/_ 

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believe to be accurate; but this  cannot be guaranteed. We are not responsible 
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