[Scpg] "Biological democracy" and permaculture: recipe for survival?
LBUZZELL at aol.com
LBUZZELL at aol.com
Tue Jul 29 08:45:52 PDT 2008
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
The graph line of the global population explosion now goes upward almost
vertically. The graph line of reserves of resources that fund that explosion
falls precipitously. The point at which population crosses the food production
line is the point of the beginning of the coming mass die-off of human
Since Babylon, the type of human culture that we live in has featured an
emperor or surrogate who is surrounded by a handful of wealthy
militarist/financiers. These people own and rule the realm. This class has historically gained
their power and wealth by feeding off the people and by growth/conquest.
This class has always urged growth as the means to increase their power and
wealth. There were always new fertile lands to conquer and peoples to enslave.
The configuration of the culture of empire which we call civilization, has not
changed in six thousand years. Today in the U.S.A. less than one per cent of
the population has more than three quarters of the wealth. Certainly they
have enough wealth to buy and run the government and have a land ownership
pattern that rivals the land barons of Guatamala.
This culture has increased its population by running a net deficit of the
fertility of the earth. The soils, forests, fish stocks, pure water and
over-grazed and desertified landscapes have been sacrificed to the god of growth.
Now there are no more fertile lands to conquer and exploit, but the population
continues to grow and the fossil fuel production reaches peak and begins to
decline. The culture that has no vision of the future and no purpose other
than material consumption hits the wall.
In the past few centuries the elites have gained a new method of
growth/conquest. The lever of Science/technology has been used to further their power.
Through the creation of industrialism, we now live in a manufactured
environment. We civilized people have created machines and been conditioned by the
machine world until we begin to act in a machine-like manner. Powerless, we are
thoroughly dependent upon the machine for our food and shelter survival.
Alienated and atomized, we move around trying to fit into a niche in order to
obtain survival. The pressure to move to a job breaks nuclear families apart
and certainly precludes the existence of extended families. We have become
interchangeable ciphers in the industrial machine. We have been culturally
conditioned from birth to have great regard for non-living manufactured items and
have been alienated from living things. We have more regard for the dead wood
of a church than for a living forest.
Today, when we look at the numbers and look back at those millions of acres
of exhausted and eroded soils, common sense tells us that this is the end.
The Patriarchs of empire have committed us to a fundamental biological error.
Any organism that wantonly kills that which feeds it will not endure very
long. The culture of empire does not have a political problem; it has a
biological problem. It lives in a bubble of self-created definitions and has a
dysfunctional relationship with the life of the earth. One might say that if the
humans can't keep the planet alive, they certainly can't live here.
For several million years our successful ancestors maintained adaptation to
the ecological energy flows of the earth. Now, humans have become so
biologically maladapted that we are in the third mass species die-off, the last one
being the dinosaurs.
It's just common sense that we throw out the whole of the culture of
civilization. If even a small part of the human species is to endure, we must return
to foundational principles.
The millenniums-old project of the imperial elites to control every thing in
front of them and indeed, wishfully, the universe, has failed.
The human species is seriously out of balance with the natural world. The
obvious answer to this is for the species to regain balance with the natural
world. Simple common sense morality would say that first we need a society that
agrees that each of us is alive and not a bio-robot and that each of our
lives have intrinsic value. We shift from a war/competition - death focus to a
principle that all life has value. Life is the growth system. Consuming living
ecologies in order to amass piles of baubles is ultimately not a growth
Common sense morality would say that we humans should aid the living earth
and that the simple morality would be that we humans aid in the complete
ecological restoration of the earth back to its climax condition. This is the
least that we could do given the grievous damage that has occurred. Of course
this is also the pathway toward our survival.
A modern human normally enters the world in an austere hospital, possibly
experiencing birth trauma. The child is baby-sat by a TV and then later turned
over to a mass education institution for further conditioning. After
graduating they get to work in a cubicle until they retire and die.
In a culture in which the growth of life is the paramount focus, the
pregnant mother would become a center of community energy. Recent scholarship has
shown us how important it is for both mother and baby to receive soothing and
comforting energies. Great community energy would also be focused on the
children. Just like all the other species around us, the "growing" of children
would be a central activity. In a Life culture we would assume that the society
would be formed in such a way as to encourage every possible talent of each
individual. As we symbolically move out of the patriarchal/intellectual to
the feminine/feeling mode the social dialog changes. The successful growing of
life of all kinds requires a feeling for it and some application of the
intellect. We would begin to follow perceptions and conclusions brought to us by
our feelings rather than conclusions derived solely from intellection.
It's just common sense. If humans want to live on this planet they will have
to restore the life of the earth. This seems like a tall order but the
imminent death of billions is also a large event.
Answers have come bubbling up out of our mass intuition. For decades skills
have been building in the practice of Permaculture so that seed communities
can restore ecosystems, build soil fertility and produce more food per acre
than the industrial system. Hand-made houses with solar advantages built from
local materials are scattered around the planet. There are examples of
hand-made houses with solar advantages that can heat and cool themselves without
outside energy. The world-wide move to ecovillages is well under way with Russia
alone having now over eight hundred.
Bill Mollison, one of the co-originators of Permaculture says that, "Without
permanent agriculture there is no possibility of a stable social order." The
intuitively forming ideal is extended families occupying their own private
permaculture design with a number of these families occupying a watershed. A
number of watersheds constitute a bioregion. This is a natural
social/political framework in which the needs of the earth are re-presented in human society
because the humans are advocating for the life and gaining survival from
that life. We might call this biological democracy.
Human/earth centered, rather than object centered, this new movement
promises to become the next human culture. Human social institutions tend to form
around food survival systems and be resonant with the morals and purpose of
those different activities to gain food; we would expect the new culture to do
the same. When some or all of the seed communities make it through the
apocalypse, they will be the ancestors.
Many flail about trying to save the dying beast of empire by recycling their
tin cans or inventing free energy machines but it is just common sense that
if we want to aid the life of our great, great grandchildren we will ignore
the dying beast and put our living energies into the new way of life.
By Wm. H. Kőtke, author of the underground classic book: THE FINAL EMPIRE:
The Collapse of Civilization and the Seed of the Future which can be viewed
at: _http://www.thefinalempirebook.com/_ (http://www.thefinalempirebook.com/) .
and Garden Planet: The Present Phase Change of the Human Species. seen at:
(http://carolynbaker.net/site/Local%20Settings/Temporary%20Internet%20Files/OLK1A6/www.gardenplanetbook.com) . Telephone
orders at 1-888-280-7715 or at bookstores everywhere.
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