[Scpg] Ojai Foundation Summer Work Retreat: Cob Oven Workshop plus Ceremonial Practices and more

Rachel Dawson pathofservice at ojaifoundation.org
Thu Jun 26 14:13:09 PDT 2008

Please pass along to anyone you feel may be interested.

The Ojai Foundation is pleased to present our

*Summer Work Retreat*

*A Two Week Immersion in Mindful Service and Ceremonial Practices*

*Step out of time for a moment to deepen your connection to yourself,
community and our planet*

August 15th through August 29th, 2008

*Cob Oven Building, Council Teachings, *

*Natural Building Workshops*

* *

*Personal Vision Quest*

*and** **Sweat Lodge Ceremony***



*Rachel Dawson and Doug Adrianson*

*with** Paul Perrota*

* *

*$250 for two weeks*

*with team oriented land-based service projects*

This two-week program offers the opportunity to be of service to our 40
acres of beautiful semi-wilderness land and live close to nature as you
deepen your relationship with yourself while exploring the ceremonial
practices and philosophies on which The Ojai Foundation bases its work.

Includes: Hands-on Projects such as yurt maintenance and kiva repair, Land
Walk and Orientation to The Ojai Foundation, The Way of Council, Medicine
Wheel Teachings, Mindfulness Practices, Daily Meditation, Co-Created
Community Meals, Arts Evening, and Rustic Shared Accommodations

*Rachel Dawson* is The Ojai Foundation's Land Steward and Path of Service
Coordinator.  For the past eight years, she worked with TreePeople in Los
Angeles where she supported community-based tree planting projects. She is a
graduate of Larry Santoyo's L.A. Permaculture Design Course and Ariel
Spilsbury's 13 Moon Priestess Ordination.  She continues to deepen her
relationship with spirit through her advanced work in the Third Road faerie

*Doug Adrianson* believes council, ceremony and nature can enrich anyone's
life, and the sooner the better. A lifelong writer and editor who loves the
power and mystery of language, for 10 years he has spiraled deeper and
deeper into the work of The Ojai Foundation. He is an experienced council
trainer and co-chair of The Ojai Foundation's Board of Directors. He
facilitates rite-of-passage retreats for teenagers and adults, both in Ojai
and elsewhere, and has been a weekly council-circle leader at five schools.

First trained in the Yaqui way, *Paul Perrota* has been guiding Sweat Lodge
ceremonies for over 15 years to help others develop and nurture an intimate
relationship with nature and with self.

Application is attached or visit us on-line at www.ojaifoundation.org

or contact Rachel at pathofservice at ojaifoundation.org or call (805) 646-8343

T  H  E         O  J  A  I       F  O  U  N  D  A  T  I  O  N

*9739 Ojai- Santa Paula Road, Ojai, CA 93023*

*(805) 646-8343   fax (805) 646-2456   www.ojaifoundation.org*

"If there is any positive side to stark changes coming our way, it may be in
the benefits of close communal relations, of having to really work
intimately (and physically) with our neighbors, to be part of an enterprise
that really matters and to be fully engaged in meaningful social enactments
instead of being merely entertained to avoid boredom.

Years from now, when we hear singing at all, we will hear ourselves, and we
will sing with our whole hearts."

"The Long Emergency", 2005, by James Howard Kunstler, Grove/Atlantic, Inc.,
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