[Scpg] Thursday June 8th, 3:00-6:00pm, 5th ANNUAL A GARDEN GATHERING !! ALL INVITED!!! 2006 UCSB “Small-Scale Food Production” class

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Wed Jun 7 05:22:24 PDT 2006

Below is announcement for my class end of quarter open garden event -- 
spread the word! ALl INVITED

Professor David Cleveland's
2006 UCSB "Small-Scale Food Production" class presents: A GARDEN GATHERING!!

The 5th annual Garden Gathering
Thursday June 8th, 3:00-6:00pm
At the UCSB Greenhouse and Community Garden Project
(Southeast of the corner of Los Carneros and Mesa Roads on the UCSB campus)

The Small-Scale Food Production class invites you to the 5th annual garden 
gathering. Enjoy fresh food and experience the UCSB Greenhouse and Garden 
Project at its roots, an invaluable learning place for both students and 
community members.

>Students will demonstrate the practices and theories behind small-scale 
>food production. Working with community input, the small-scale food 
>production garden class tests the hypotheses that small-scale food 
>production can conserve natural resources, and improve nutritional, 
>economic, and social well-being.  The class also covers practical methods 
>of soil, water, plant, pest and disease, and energy management appropriate 
>for small-scale agriculture.
>Come see first hand the beautiful gardens, learn about the class projects, 
>and share refreshments made from food we've grown!

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