[Scpg] Kids'Arts Art Barn Mini-Fruit Tree Forest Saturday, March 5 10 am-2pm

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at silcom.com
Tue Feb 22 22:36:06 PST 2005

You are invited to join Kids'Arts and Common Vision
in planting a Mini-Fruit Tree Forest at the Kids'Arts Art Barn
Saturday, March 5
10 am-2pm
856 East Thompson Blvd.,
Downtown Ventura
(between Ash and Kalorama, behind Kids & Families Together)

This event is part of Common Vision's 2nd annual Fruit Tree Tour--This 
Spring, Common Vision www.commonvision.org will plant over 1,000 fruit 
trees at schools and community centers throughout California. Common Vision 
earth educators, farmers and performance artists use performance, music, 
and stories to integrate concepts of ecology with the traditions, music and 
art of cultures that live or have lived in harmony with the Earth.
The event will include West African drumming and dance, a hands-on 
experience of planting trees, working together and connection with the 
abundance that a fruit tree forest will bring.
Health refreshments will be provided... bring gloves, a shovel, a drum or 
food to share!
This event is free, donations are welcome! For more info., call 653-0817

This stop on the Fruit Tree Tour is made possible by a grant from the 
Hansen Trust.

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