[Scpg] The State of Green Building/Oct 18

Santa Barbara Permaculture Network sbpcnet at silcom.com
Thu Oct 16 08:20:06 PDT 2003

The Institute of World Culture presents a seminar on:
The State of the Art of Green Building

Date: October 18, 2003 
Time: 2:00 - 4:30 pm
Place: Concord House, 1407 Chapala Street, Santa Barbara, California
Dennis Thompson, Architect, Thompson-Naylor Architects
Dennis Allen, President, Allen and Associates Contractors

One of the central challenges of architectural design and construction today
involves the development and use of methodologies, systems, products and
resources that are not only benign in relation to the environment, but which
may actively help to restore and sustain the energy and eco-systems of the
earth. Two local experts will bring you up to date on the hot topic of green
building, both locally and nationally. They will show examples of
Santa Barbara green buildings and describe how green building is rapidly
becoming the norm for forward-looking government and business buildings as
as homes throughout the country. Dennis Thompson has built his practice around
"environmentally and socially responsible" architectural design and was the
recipient of the 2001 "Green Award" for the exemplary environmental business.
Dennis Allen, the creator of "The Green Parade" has won many awards for
environmentally sensitive projects and was elected "Green Builder of the Year"
for 2002. 

Topics for discussion will include: 
    * " The cutting edge of green building today; 
    * " How sick buildings are driving change in traditional building
    * " Why children learn better and faster in environmentally friendly
    classrooms, sick people have shorter stays in green hospitals, and workers
    are more productive in sustainably designed and constructed buildings; and
    " The costs associated with green building. 

For more info & to register, call 805-966-3941, www.worldculture.org



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