People Over Poisons - Call to Action

EWerb at EWerb at
Wed Mar 8 10:13:49 PST 2000

who wants poison?


People Over Poisons - Call to Action

The state will hold four hearings to gather public comment before they
establish laws regulating the dangerous pesticide Methyl Bromide.  So far
the state's proposed rules leave children, neighbors and farmworkers at

On March 11, people from theTri-County Region (SB,Ventura,and SLO
counties)will gather in Ventura to protest the Davis'Administration for
putting poisons over people.

Methyl bromide causes brain damage,birth defects and reproductive
disorders,and is the number-one depletor of the ozone layer.During the last
four years,farmers have dumped over 3 million pounds of Methyl Bromide
within 1.5 miles of schools in the Tri-County Region.

On March 11, join the environmental, labor, and student communites in a
rally before the public hearing for the safety of our children,
environment,and viable alternatives to poisonous pesticides.

Ventura  hearing: Saturday, March 11, Seaside Park at 10 West Harbor Blvd
in the Gem & Mineral Building.  The rally begins at noon.  The hearing
starts at 1 pm.

If you plan to give verbal comment before the Department of Pesticide
Regulation, the sign-up period begins at 12:30 pm.  The hearing starts at 1

Directions -South Bound 101 -exit Main St.-immediately turn right on
Thompson -go down approx.1/2 mile and turn right on California
St.-California dead ends at Harbor -Turn right and go approx.1/4 mile
-Harbor turns into Seaside Park;veer to the left to enter.

North Bound 101 -Exit California St.and turn left onto Calif.(see above)

If you have questions log on to or call:

Bryan,Pesticide Watch,888/CPR-4880

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