Strawbale Open House at the Farm at Cal Poly SLO Student Farm

Wesley Roe and Marjorie Lakin Erickson lakinroe at
Mon Feb 14 17:23:42 PST 2000


This Sunday (February 20th) starting at 2:00 pm., there will be a special 
gathering at the Student Farm to celebrate the work completed by Alison
on her strawbale senior project.  For those of you who have not seen the 
structure recently, this will be an excellent chance to check out this
example of alternative building.  Much of the plastering is complete, and
finishing touches remain to be done on the outside.  We will continue to
work on
the inside of the building with the Club and other volunteers this spring, so 
there will be more opportunity for "hands on experience".

This Celebration will also be a Bon Voyage Farewell for Alison who has
graduated and will soon be leaving SLO to be with her new fiance, Tim Henry.  
The Student Farm Club would like to congratulate Alison on all counts and, in 
particular, thank her for her tireless efforts over the past few months in 
showing us all what it means to "soften the interface" between the natural
the built environments.  Her skill, dedication and remarkable artistry have
an inspiration to us all.  Thank you, Alison!!

Join us for refreshments, catching-up and sharing info about Spring
projects at 
the Farm.

SUNDAY (2/20) at 2.  Hope to see you there!

The Officers of the Sustainable Student Farm Club at Cal Poly

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