Permaculture Wrkshp - Tecate, Mex May29

Fred Chambers regenerative at
Thu May 20 13:46:03 PDT 1999

Hi Folks,

· The Permaculture Institute of Southern California presents a Tecate
workshop tour of  orchard and raised bed gardens that supplies an idyllic
health spa retreat center - Rancho La Puerta 
· You'll also tour Las Piedras  the environmental education center for the
local schools , featuring Jim Hubbell's sculptured classrooms built within
the bouldered landscape.  The gardens and trails supply food and a living
curriculum for the children of Tecate. 
· A small donation is requested for this day-long workshop.  Scholarships
are available.
· Call: 	949-494-5843

Please help spread the word.  I can send a Rich Text Format of the flyer if
you request.  Thanks,
--- Fred
Treasurer - Southern & Baja Californias Permaculture Guild
Cal Poly Pomona Ag Sciences MS Class of '99

May 29, 1999 	Saturday 9- 4 pm
Tres Estrellas Farm for Rancho La Puerta
Tecate, Baja California, Mexico
Gabriel Howearth			Bill Roley, Ph.D.
Designer				Director, Bionational  Coevolution Gardens				Permaculture
Institute of 
Baja California, Mexico		Southern California
Cofounder Seeds of Change

A tour of the fruit/nut orchard and raised bed gardens that supply fruits
and vegetables to guests at Rancho La Puerta will demonstrate the green
engine of sustainable agriculture. The farm will supply the back drop for a
stimulating group of exercises in  gardening technologies and pest
management.  Emphasis
will be on:
* fertility management			* and harvesting strategies
* crop rotation, 				* irrigation
* planting patterns/cycles			* seed collection/ storage 
* planting herbs and making your own medicine

These opportunities will provide hands-on permaculture experiences in a
bilingual atmosphere.  Sarah Liva Brightwood, Garden Creator/Permaculture
Designer and Enrique Ceballos, Biologist and Nursery Horticulturist will
host us. 

Opportunities to visit "Las Piedras" the environmental education center for
the local schools at nearby Parque del Professor. The a park was created by
Fundacion La Puerta in memory of Professor Edmond Szekely, philosopher and
founder of Rancho La Puerta. "Las Piedras" was designed by Cellos and
Brightwood with assistance from James and Drew Hubbell, the sculptured
classrooms are built within the bouldered landscape. Together with miles of
interpretative trails in the rich natural spaces around Parque del
Professor, they provide learning experiences and a living curriculum for
the children of Tecate. The first phase of activities includes a
collaboration with PROBEA, an environmental literacy teachers training
program co-sponsored by the San Diego Natural History Museum.

Donation:  $65 for Day long workshop with lunch
Scholarships available -- call or email to apply

Contact 	Dr. Bill Roley
Permaculture Institute of Southern California
1027 Summit Way
Laguna Beach, CA 02651
Tel:		949-494-5843
Fax:		949-494-0129
Email:		DrRoley at

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