[Santa_Cruz_Permaculture] 2nd Annual Aloha 'Aina Holistic Permaculture Design Course: Aug 17-31

Living Mandala livingmandala at livingmandala.com
Tue Jun 16 17:23:52 PDT 2009

2nd Annual
Aloha ‘Aina 2009
Holistic Permaculture Design Course

August 17-31, 2009

La A’kea Community
Puna, Big Island, Hawaii

Visit the Course website for More information



Facilitators, Teachers & Constants

John Valenzuela, Penny Livingston-Stark, Jay Ma, Sage Mata, Julie Bird  
Moore, Ela Harrison... additional instructors & special guests to be  
announced soon!

Course Inspiration

“Aloha ‘Aina” is Hawaiian for “love of the land”, or “to love,  
respect, and nurture the land.” As human beings now facing a time of  
great environmental and social transformation, we believe that it is  
through this spirit of reconnecting to ourselves, to our communities,  
and to the Earth with a spirit of love and care that we will renew and  
restore a healthy balance of human beings living in harmony with each  
other and their natural environment. We are inspired and grateful to  
be offering this holistic permaculture design intensive to the greater  
Island Community to further empower and synergize our efforts of  
ecological and social regeneration.

Course Description

The Aloha ‘Aina Holistic Permaculture Design Course will include the  
standard 72-hour permaculture design curriculum based upon the  
original Mollison and Holmgren ideas and design philosophies published  
in The Permaculture Designer’s Manual, as well as be a nourishing  
retreat and hands-on immersion experience of sustainable living. In  
addition to the standard permaculture design certification curriculum,  
we recognize permaculture as an expanding, holistic design philosophy  
encompassing many fields. Accordingly, this permaculture design course  
will include and integrate additional content and activities such as  
nature awareness, indigenous wisdom, holistic nutrition, embodiment  
practices, inner work, group process, and more. With a focus on  
tending the inner as well as the outer landscapes, course participants  
will work with each other and local community residents on tangible  
design project scenarios to implement positive transformation within  
themselves and in the local community.

Range of Course Topics Include:

Permaculture Design, Observation & Nature Awareness, Indigenous  
Wisdom, Natural Pattern Recognition, Pattern Design and Biomimicry,  
Bird Language, Water on the Landscape, Swales, Keyline, & Pond,  
Building, Integrated Animal Systems, Rain Harvesting & Catchments,  
Grey Water & Bioremediation, Tropical Permaculture, Natural Building,  
Organic Gardening, Forest Ecology, Food Forest Gardening, Agro- 
Forestry, Soil Ecology & Soil Building, Appropriate Technology,  
Alternative & Renewable Energy, Urban Permaculture, Mushrooms/Myco- 
Remediation, Aquaculture, Designer's Tools, Design Methods & Process,  
Maps and Mapping, Zones, Site Analysis, Design Projects, Hands-On  
Activities, Social Permaculture, Eco-Village Design, Cultural  
Mentoring, Zone Zero, Inner Work, Heart Circles, Improvisation,  
Personal Empowerment, Group Facilitation, Invisible Structures, Green  
Economics, Archetypal Biology, Biodynamic Farming, Geo-Political  
Landscapes, Holistic Nutrition, Yoga & Embodiment, Physics & Unified  
Field Theory, and more

Certification Applicability

Participants who successfully complete the course will receive a  
Permaculture Design Certificate. Design Certification is applicable  
towards Gaia University Degree Programs.

Tuition & Registration

Course Tuition is $1500 U.S. dollars, which includes instruction,  
lodging, and 3 delicious, nutritious, and locally grown meals a day  
for the duration of the course - 15 days. Participants who  
successfully complete the course will receive a Permaculture Design  

Early Bird Discount

Register and pay in full before June 15th and receive nearly $200 off  
course tuition. $1360

Register Now

More Information

Visit the Course website for More information

For Question e-mail: alohaaina at livingmandala.com or
Phone: (707) 634-1461

Job Opportunities: Cross Pollinators

Start supporting sustainable progress & regenerative educational  
initiatives! Help us to spread the word about this course and others  
and earn money!

We are looking for "Cross-Pollinators" or Affiliate Marketing  
Ambassadors to help spread the word about our affiliated courses,  
workshops, and events to strengthen our network and to further empower  
regenerative educational initiatives on the planet.

This job includes posting information about our upcoming courses,  
workshops, and events on-line on social networks, websites, blogs,  
etc; identifying and sending emails to listserves; and building  
relationships with resonant groups and organizations. Cross- 
Pollinators should be experienced with internet navigation and social  
networking, have proficient writing and communication skills, have  
their own computer and internet access, and be able to work from their  
home, office, or local coffee shop. Compensation is based on  
performance and results, and will be given based on referrals that  
come in from the scope of the outreach efforts made. Referral's range  
anywhere from $25 - $250 per course.

For details e-mail: affiliates at livingmandala.com

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