WE have a dream that in 20 years San Diego will have large healthy forests where trees are lovingly cared for and at the end of their life the humans caring for them make sure they are given a second beautiful life, maybe as a ukelele.

We are formally inviting environmentalists, woodworkers, arborists, artists, developers, architects, gardeners, landscapers, permaculturists, sawyers, slow foodies, neighborhood organizations, and anybody who LOVES trees together to get to know each other, 
tell us how you think we can salvage more urban trees, and have a great time enjoying live music together.

RSVP here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/the-salvaged-tree-jubilee-tickets-45225831680?aff=eac2

This event is free (but we accept donations!) and is brought to you by Tree San Diego and SD Botanic Garden. Please RSVP so we know how many to expect!

Bryan Arturo
Cell 630.544.4414

Uniting & Supporting Changemakers: Earth Journeys
Discover EcoEducation & Retreat Centers: NuMundo
Salvaging Urban Trees: Trējuvenation