We are off to Bioneers! Always a good place to be
during stressful times, has inspired and calmed our minds many times in
the past...
If you are also coming to Bioneers look for us in the outdoor Change
Makers Fair section where we will have an exhibit booth promoting the
next International Permaculture Convergence (IPC) in India Nov
2017, & the Friends of the International Permaculture
Convergences (FIPC) whose mission is to help with scholarships for
the IPCs.
What is the theme for the next IPC in India? Women As Agents of
Change & Permaculture as a Social Responsibility. Aranya
Agricultural Alternatives are the official conveners for this IPC,
take a look at their website to see their exemplary work, 2017 will be
their 30th Anniversary of permaculture in India, much of their work
around marginal farmers, and women. They demonstrate a Dryland Food
Forest on their site, one of the only non irrigated food forests in the
world. India, as California, faces huge issues around water, they
also have a booming population. Time to learn from each other, as
happens so significantly at these IPC convergences.
IPC India 2017:
We will also be participating in a World-Cafe style dialogue for
Permaculturists at the Bioneers Conference on Saturday October 22nd
from 4:30-6:00pm, conducted by David Shaw:
- California has one of the
world's most active permaculture communities. Come connect with permies
and projects, continue the conversation from permaculture sessions at the
conference and learn exciting news from the National and CA Permaculture
Convergence last month. With: David Shaw, Santa Cruz Permaculture &
UCSC Common Ground Center; Dana Pearlman, The Lotus; Amy Lenzo,
weDialogue; Margie Bushman & Wes Roe, and other Special Guests
Margie & Wes
(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190
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