[San Diego, CA Permaculture] Permaculture Magazine North America Issue #3 - it's off to press!/PLEASE SUPPORT SUBSCRIBE

Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network lakinroe at silcom.com
Tue Oct 18 22:45:22 PDT 2016

Permaculture Magazine North America Issue #3 - it's off to press! If you haven't subscribed yet, there's only one week left to subscribe to get this issue in print, delivered to your doorstep! https://permaculturemag.org/product/permaculture-magazine-north-america-1/ <https://permaculturemag.org/product/permaculture-magazine-north-america-1/>

In addition to the titles you can see on this epic cover of Paul Stamens , we've got articles on Urban Forestry, Biological Permaculture with Dr. Elaine Ingham, An Interview With Charlie Mgee, DIY Tinctures, Mushroom Cultivation with Peter McCoy, and more. Editors Hannah Apricot Iceberg Cassie Langstraat

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