[San Diego, CA Permaculture] native pollinator garden workshop March 23

archelonia at cox.net archelonia at cox.net
Wed Mar 19 13:09:54 PDT 2014

Native Pollinator Garden Workshop, 
presented by Archelonia Ecological & Permaculture 
Jane Higginson, Diploma of Permaculture Design, Master of Environmental Planning 
RSVP Jane (619) 219-9311, archelonia at cox.net 
Sun., March 23, 
10:00 – 12:00, Lakeside, $20 
We will assess habitat for pollinators, transplant 
native plants and install habitat features. 
Skills: Habitat observation and assessment, native species ID, plant selection, transplanting natives, native bee nest building, 
micro-climate, sheet mulching, and more! 
Native bee nest and info sheet for 
12:30 – 4:00 Sale! Native plants, N-fixers, fruit & nut trees, cacti. 
Rototiller/composter.Weed- whacker. Garden books. More! (Cash only)
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