[San Diego, CA Permaculture] Upcoming Events - Farm Tours, Natural Building, Permaculture Design, and more!

Quail Springs Permaculture info at quailsprings.org
Mon Mar 10 12:45:35 PDT 2014




Wilderness Skills & Permaculture Weekend, April 4-6
Spring Farm Benefit & Tour, April 12-13
Intro to Cob & Natural Building, April 30 - May 1 (early bird March 25)
PDC for International Development, June 21-July 5 (early bird April 15)


Intro to Permaculture, March 29-30
Backyard Chickens, May 18
Cob Oven Building, May 24-25 (early bird May 1) 


Wilderness Survival Skills & Permaculture Weekend

with Charlie Coupal, Wilderness Skills Instructor
April 4-6, 20 14

Hosted by Quail Springs.  

Registration now open, through UCSB Leisure Review - Adventure Trips.

Open to the community, you don't have to be a student with UCSB to participate.

Deep in the high mountain desert of Cuyama, spend a fun-filled weekend giving and
receiving on the edge where the Wilderness meets the Farm.  Dive into wilderness
 survival skills like shelter making, primitive fire techniques, water and wild 
food harvesting.  Prepare to get your hands dirty with a permaculture and sustainable
living project on the farm.  Round out the day eating great food, sitting by a fire,
storytelling, music making and star gazing. 



Quail Springs Farm Benefit & Tour
Saturday, April 12th, 10am-3pm
Farm Tour & Lunch

All ages welcome!

Visit Quail Springs Permaculture Farm, have a delicious lunch prepared in our earthen
ovens, and learn about growing food in the high desert, tending a variety of wonderful
food-giving animals, creating shelter, and stewarding agricultural lands and wilderness.

Saturday, April 12th, 10am through Sunday, April 13th, 11am
Farm Tour, Lunch & Dinner, Overnight Campout, Breakfast, Hands-On Breakouts
families and all ages welcome!

Come out for the farm tour and stay on for dinner, and overnight campout. There 
will be fireside stories in the evening, camping under the high desert stars that
night, a yummy breakfast Sunday morning, and optional early morning hands-on sessions
in butchering, or milking goats before an 11am departure.

For more info and to register, please visit
or email Lindsay Allen, lindsay at quailsprings.org or call 805-886-7239.

Introduction to Cob and Natural Building

With Sasha Rabin of Quail Springs and Earthen Shelter
and co-instructors, Betty Seaman of Spirit Pine
and Paul Swenson of Quail Springs

April 25 - May 1, 2014

Early bird registration March 25th

Cob building combines clay sediment, sand, fiber, and water, and is hand sculpted
to form walls, benches, ovens, and fireplaces. Cob building makes use of readily
 available, affordable, non-toxic materials to build beautiful, organic structures.

The course is appropriate for both first-time builders and for professionals in 
the building trade who are interested in natural materials.

In this six day cob workshop, we focus on the characteristics of the natural materials
most commonly used in construction: clay soil, sand, and fibers. Our main focus 
will be cob, though we will touch on various other building techniques that utilize
the same materials, including adobe block, light straw-clay, wattle and daub, and
plasters. We will discuss how to find and choose appropriate soil for construction,
how to create various mixes, how to attach wood to earthen walls, and how to use
 earthen materials to build walls, sculpt niches, shelves, and furniture.

This course is primarily a hands on course, where we learn by doing.  As a complement
to the hands-on portion of the course, we will include slide shows and discussions
of the theoretical aspects of natural building. Subjects include building design
 and siting, passive solar design, foundations and drainage, earthen floors, appropriate
roof design, and wiring and plumbing for natural structures.

Instructor:  Sasha Rabin

Sasha Rabin has been practicing natural building as well as teaching it since 2002.
 She has taught all over the US through the organizations that she co-founded, Seven
Generations Natural Builders and Vertical Clay, as well as collaborated with other
schools and organizations including The Yestermorrow Design Build School, The Canelo
Project, The Solar Living Institute, Quail Springs Permaculture, as well as taught
at the Permaculture Research Institute in Jordan.   Although she enjoys building,
her true passions lie in the teaching and sharing natural building with others. 
Visit Sasha's website at http://EarthenShelter.com to learn more.

Co-Instructors: Betty Seaman and Paul Swenson

Betty Seaman is a longtime natural builder and teacher.  Bio coming soon!

Paul Swenson is a founding team member with Quail Springs Permaculture where he 
has helped develop the site, community and its offerings for over eight years. He
discovered the beauty, function, and joy of natural building in 2005 while building
the foundation and wall system of a cob house with the guidance of Betty Seaman.
 He has intensively studied strawbale construction, earthen ovens, earthen floors,
and earthen plasters with Justin Kirmse. He has been building with earthen materials
ever since. Paul's teaching style is empowering, with an emphasis on self-discovery,
enjoyment, creating community.

Cost $550.  Early bird discount: register by March 25th and get 10% discount ($495).

For more info and to register, please visit 
or email Sasha Rabin, sasha at quailsprings.org or call 805-886-7239.

Permaculture Design Course for International Development and Social Entrepreneurship

With Warren Brush, Co-founder Quail Springs and Casitas Valley Farm
and Joseph Lentunyoi of the Maasai people and Permaculture Research Institute of Kenya

June 21 - July 5, 2014

Early bird registration April 15th

My learning journey at Quail Springs helped to nurture my presence of mind to be
 a better and more active listener - a vital trait for the international development
professional. The coursework was incredibly pertinent to my work in Uganda and without
a doubt made me more aware, more compassionate, and more focused in my role as a
 project manager and human being. - Grant Buhr, Project Focus, Quail Springs' PDC

Permaculture is an integrated design system that provides a framework for consciously
designed landscapes that provide diversity, stability, and resilience for individuals
and communities.  Permaculture is in 160 countries with thousands of grassroots 
projects on-the-ground.  This 14-day course includes the 72-hr Permaculture Certification
through Permaculture Research Institute... and much more.

This course will assist you and your organization with integrating into your projects:
Increased Food Security  Community-Based Development Waste Cycling Sustainability
Education Clean Water and Drought Proofing Health and Nutrition Sustainable Vocations
& Enterprise.

The PDC for International Development and Social Entrepreneurship course is designed
for people who work with non-government organizations or government agencies, community
organizers working in international development and/or social entrepreneurship, 
as well as volunteers and students with dedicated interest in the subject matter.

Instructors: Warren Brush and Joseph Lentunyoi

Warren Brush is a Permaculture designer and teacher as well as a mentor and storyteller.
 Warren is co-founder of Quail Springs Permaculture, Regenerative Earth Farms, Casitas
Valley Creamery & Farm, Wilderness Youth Project, and his Permaculture design company,
True Nature Design.  He works in Permaculture education and sustainable systems 
design in North America, Africa, Middle East, Europe, and Australia.

Joseph Lentunyoi is a Permaculture advisor/trainer, and an Organic Agriculture practitioner.
Joseph is co-founder of the Permaculture Research Institute of Kenya, to which he
brings extensive practical knowledge of sustainable farming as well as teaching 
experience. He served as the Sustainability Director for Nyumbani Village, where
 over 900 children live who have been orphaned by HIV related diseases.  He has 
experience working with non-governmental organizations, children in schools, women's
community-based groups, and in coordinating local and international volunteers. 
He teaches and designs with permaculture techniques in East Africa, and has taught
international PDC trainings in Kenya and Australia.

Cost: $1,650 ($300 deposit reserves your space)
Early Bird: $1,450 for payment in full by April 15
Discounts:  Early Bird ($200 off), Refresher ($200 off), Couples/Friends ($300 off
total), inquire about Group/Family discounts.

For more info and to register, please visit 
or email Kolmi Majumdar, info at quailsprings.org.



Introduction to Permaculture Weekend

With Warren Brush, Casitas Valley Farm, Quail Springs Permaculture, and True Nature

March 29-20, 2014

Hosted by Casitas Valley Farm, Carpinteria, CA

This innovative and inspiring 2-day Introduction to Permaculture course is designed
to give the participant a basic understanding of how to apply the ethics, principles,
strategies and techniques of permaculture design into their lives and communities.
The focus of our hands-on practicum will be on building a greywater system from 
start to finish.  This course is relevant for home-dwellers, those interested in
 sustenance security, gardeners, farmers, students, design professionals, entrepreneurs,
community activists, business owners and developers, and sustainability consultants.

For more info or to register:  email ana at regenerativeearth.com or call 805-649-8179.

Backyard Chickens

With Brenton Kelly & Jan Smith, Quail Springs Permaculture

Sunday, May 18, 2014, 9am-1pm

Hosted by Fairview Gardens, Sub-Urban Homesteading Series, Goleta, CA

How do those farm egg yolks get so orange? Why are the eggs from big box stores 
pale yellow? The difference is drastic and if your body wants the real deal, there
is no better way to get nutritious, protein filled eggs than to care for your own
backyard chickens. Introducing chickens in your garden will add to the whole system
making your vegetable garden ALIVE with vitality!  This class will cover aspects
 of backyard flock management in an urban setting including choosing suitable varieties,
raising chicks, coop and run requirements, feed and nutrition, common health issues,
predators, cold-climate care, chickens in the garden, composting chicken waste, 
and more.

Cost is $40-60 sliding scale.

For more info and to register:
http://www.fairviewgardens.org/category/farm-classes or call 805-967-7369

Wood-Fired Cob Oven Building Workshop

With Paul Swenson, Quail Springs Permaculture

May 24-25, 2014.  Saturday & Sunday, 9am - 5pm
Early bird registration by May 1st

Hosted by Fairview Gardens, Sub-Urban Homesteading Series, Goleta, CA

Join us for an intensive, two-day, hands-on, wood-fired cob oven building workshop
where you will dive right into building an oven! You will learn how to make cob 
- a versatile earthen building material made of clay, sand, and straw. You will 
learn how to sculpt and plaster the oven itself. We will go over the steps of building
the foundation, considerations for siting, design, and accessing materials.  We 
will explore the ins and outs of baking in a cob oven, and enjoy a wood-fired pizza
feast on Sunday using a previously constructed oven.  You will come away from this
weekend with the skills to step out into your own cob oven building journey!

Hands-on workshop limited to 10 participants.  Early registration advised!
Early bird cost is $135, by May 1st.  $155 thereafter.

For more info and to register:
 or call 805-967-7369

Quail Springs Permaculture is nonprofit organization dedicated to demonstrating 
and teaching holistic ways of designing human environments, restoring and revitalizing
the land and community, and facilitating deeper understandings of ourselves and 
one another through immersive experiences in nature.

Quail Springs Permaculture
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