[Sdpg] Class for Gardeners, Farmers and consumers of food by Joel Salatin - no charge

Sue Trumpfheller suetrump at att.net
Tue Mar 19 08:02:56 PDT 2013


A series of classes by Joel Salatin --- I have watched some of his videos and am 
stunned by the systems he has developed on his farm in Virginia.  He really is 
efficient and knows the flow of nature and livestock.  It is worth a watch.  On 
top of everything else he is funny.  Hope you can watch at least one if not all 
6 sessions   What a wonderful opportunity to learn how our food could be grown 
or raised.
Enjoy Sue

              Sue Trumpfheller
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/suetrump

          Twitter @FreshandVital

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