[Sdpg] FIRST South East Asian Bioregional Permaculture Convergence 2012 19-22 November 2012, Hong Kong

Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network lakinroe at silcom.com
Sat Nov 3 23:06:16 PDT 2012

South East Asian Bioregional Permaculture Convergence 2012 19-22 
November 2012, Hong Kong

Food, Water, Energy against a background of Climate Change is the theme 
of the first SE Asian Bioregional Permaculture Convergence.

WELCOME to this website and more importantly to the South East Asian 
first Bioregional Convergence.

Welcome to the team at Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden who made it 
happen and did it without conflict and with elegant style.

But most of all WELCOME to all of you who intend to come to the 
convergence to add your knowledge, skills and goodwill.

This is an important convergence. SE Asia is a distinct region. It has 
some of the world’s largest cities, and, largest rural populations. It 
grows enormous amount of food from thousand year old traditional means 
to the most modern industrial agriculture. People travel by helicopters 
and by buffalo carts. It has mountains, plains and huge deltas – a 
multitude of languages, religions and cultures.

Everything from the past, and to the last second of the present, co-exists.

 >From a permaculture viewpoint, and starting with a Permaculture 
Festival (open to all ‘green’ people), this convergence lays down a 
marker for the region in speakers, in participants and in its examples.

The convergence is probably the first to include Asian meditation as a 
post-convergence “excursion”. It includes speakers from across the 
region, staying largely within its own boundaries.

Its impact will be scattered and sometimes unknowable. After this 
convergence and long after people have returned home, we expect 
permaculture to emerge from many unlikely places, and perhaps, unlikely 
people. By large means and small, this convergence will contribute to a 
change in the world and for the word.

A warm Asian welcome awaits you…

Rosemary (Rowe) Morrow


South East Asian Bioregional Permaculture Convergence 2012

Important Dates

There will be three wonderful events in November 2012:

A Permaculture Festival – open to anyone and many ‘green’ products, 
workshops, and information and fun.
The 1st SE Asian Permaculture Convergence where SE Asian permaculturists 
share and update their information and experiences and look towards 
supplying some solutions for a more sustainable future.

Two Permaculture Teacher Training Courses for extending permaculture 
easily into the region and skilling up our teachers and facilitators.
November 2012 Activity
12-17 1st Permaculture Teacher Training Course
17-18 Sharing and Learning Permaculture Festival
18 Pre-Convergence Course
19-22 1st SE Asian Bioregional Permaculture Convergence
22(pm)-24 Post Convergence Tour
23-28 2nd Permaculture Teacher Training Course

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