[Sdpg] Oct. 8-19 2012 Superadobe Earth Building & , Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Course At Cal-Earth, Hesperia, CA
Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
lakinroe at silcom.com
Fri Sep 21 23:48:01 PDT 2012
Superadobe Earth Building &
Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) Course
Oct. 8-19, 2012 (Geoff and Nadia Lawton – Oct. 20)
At Cal-Earth, Hesperia, CA
Midwest Permaculture and Cal-Earth
Deliver Our Combined Trainings Again (See 2011 Photos)
– Students Earn Two Certificates from this 12-day Training –
Special Addition-- Geoff and Nadia Lawton to Join us for one-day Workshop.
Oct 20th Only – “Greening the Mojave Desert” – Full Details
This Combined Training Includes Our Pre-training Webinar Series
Register Now to give yourself time to fully prepare.
The Cal-Earth Building Workshop
Learn the timeless art of using arches, domes, vaults and apses to
enclose space with a sense of permanence, economy, safety and beauty.
Architect Nader Khalili devoted his life to combining this ancient
building knowledge with modern techniques and materials to develop
Superadobe. Now, even the poor can build a home that is as strong, or
even stronger, than the ancients.
Midwest Permaculture’s Design Certificate Course
Having delivered over 30 PDC courses, Midwest Permaculture has emerged
as a prominent provider of quality permaculture trainings. Our full PDC
curriculum will be delivered to students at this combined training so
that students can earn their Permaculture Design Certificate.
A Combined Training
Nader Khalili and his team at Cal-Earth have done remarkable work over
the years by studying the simplest of forms and elements and crafting a
way to take the earth beneath our feet and turn it into beautiful,
lasting and inexpensive homes.
Permaculture takes this same kind of contemplative and elemental focus
to design for the plant and human communities as well. We are looking
for ways to design complete systems that not only further support the
inhabitants of these beautiful and functional structures, but also cares
for the long term success and inhabitability of the larger area.
What will be taught?
The Earth Building Portion of the Training
Below is a list of topics covered in the Cal-Earth part of the training.
Teaching methods are in the tradition of Nader Khalili with philosophy,
design theory, and principles taught through the expression of the
hands-on experience.
Topics Covered:
The principle of the arch
Superadobe basics
Soils practicum and discussion
Super-adobe with stabilized earth
Plaster workshop with stabilized earth
Learning to read blueprints, elements of design, placing windows and doors
Contrasting domes with vaults, vaulted roofing system, dome geometry
Site planning, orientation, simple solar passive strategies
Compass theory and application
Waterproofing, foundations
Click Here for a full description of a Cal-Earth workshop as found on
their website.
Benefits of Earning a Cal-Earth Certificate
Everyone who completes this training receives a certificate of
completion, becoming part of Cal-Earths extended network of builders and
Graduates have the ability to teach official Cal-Earth workshops or just
teach on their own (proper credit must be given to Cal-Earth). For
service work, graduates can teach freely. For profit making activities,
a more formal agreement with Cal-Earth is required.
“If you have reached a turning point in your life, and are willing to
invest in yourself, this combined training could be life changing.
Learning these skills will fill you with inspiration and direction to
return to your home, community or country, and be able to serve humanity.”
Ian Lodge – Director at Cal-Earth
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The Permaculture Design Portion of the Training
Midwest Permaculture teachers guide students through the curriculum with
classroom presentations, group exercises and hands-on experiences.
Topics Covered:
Observations and Patterns
Principles and Ethics of Permaculture
Designing for Different Climatic Zones
Soils, Plants, and Trees
Guilds and Polycultures
Water and Earthworks
Utilizing Micro-climates
Designing with Succession in Mind
Zone and Sector Analysis
Planning the Homestead
Urban and Suburban Permaculture
Garden Management
Small-Farm Strategies
Large-Farm Possibilities
International Implications
Starting your own Permaculture Business
The Eco-Dome
at Cal-Earth
“Through permaculture design we will discover how we can extract food,
fiber, fuel, beauty and community
from the very same elements (earth, air, fire and water) that created
the Cal-Earth buildings
buy designing in the ultimate alchemists – plants!”
Bill Wilson - Lead Permaculture Instructor
“Earth turns to gold in the hands of the wise.” …Rumi…
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