[Sdpg] Northern CA Permaculture Convergence Oct 12-14

Margie Bushman, Santa Barbara Permaculture Network sbpcnet at silcom.com
Sat Aug 25 14:51:55 PDT 2012

Dear Friends,

We'd like to extend a warm invitation to the 8th 
Northern California Permaculture Convergence 
(formerly the Bay Area Regional Permaculture 
Convergence), being held October 12-14, 2012, at 
the beautiful 180 acre grounds, board acre 
Permaculture Demonstration Site, and Educational 
Hub of GreenFriends Farm and the M.A. Center in Castro Valley, California.

This year’s theme of “Building Bioregional 
Resiliency” will guide and inspire the 
Convergence conversations, workshops, and 
outcomes towards creating greater strength, 
interconnection, and resiliency within the 
economic, social, and ecological systems and 
relationships of our Bioregional communities. The 
Convergence program schedule is a 3-day gathering 
including key note speakers, presentations, 
workshops, open space, bioregional councils, 
collaborative discussions, spokes councils, 
hands-on projects, delicious meals, and much more.

We are excited to announce that we have confirmed 
Geoff Lawton as one of the main keynote speakers, 
as well as a host of other local and bioregional 
permaculture educators, practitioners, and 
specialists with a diversity of knowledge and wisdom to share.

About the Convergence

WHO?: Permaculture designers, permaculture 
students, sustainability activists, farmers, 
ecovillagers, green business pioneers, social 
architects, and other active communities in 
Northern California, the West Coast, and beyond.
WHAT?: The Convergence will feature a number of 
different workshops, speakers, skill shares, 
collaborative discussions, children's activities, 
educational displays, and specialized vendors. It 
will also generate physical outcomes, strategies, 
and implementation plans to contribute to this year’s theme and intentions.
WHY?: A weekend of intensive focus on a common 
goal: to design sustainable habitats and support 
systems, in accordance with nature, for humans, 
plants, animals, our greater bioregion, and the Earth at large.
HOW?: Practitioners across a wide-spectrum of 
skill-sets exchange ideas through concurrent 
workshops and discussions ranging from organic 
agriculture and wild-crafting to natural building 
and appropriate technologies; from environmental 
remediation and disaster preparedness to 
community dynamics and global justice. 
Participants will have opportunities to 
socialize, network, form new collaborations, and 
birth new projects towards strengthening our bioregional resiliency.

We invite your participation and collaboration to 
help make this Convergence the most successful one yet.

For more information about getting more involved 
in the Convergence, email 
i<http://groups.google.com/groups/unlock?_done=/group/westcoastwomenspermaculture/msg/64205f76c4f87557&msg=64205f76c4f87557>... at permacultureconvergence.com 

You can also get more involved in the Convergence 
by offering a workshop, skill share, educational 
demo, activity, leading a discussion, etc.

To apply to offer a workshop, skill share, 
educational expo, or other offering Click Here.

Please also email your workshop title, brief 
description, as well as bio and photo to: 
worksh<http://groups.google.com/groups/unlock?_done=/group/westcoastwomenspermaculture/msg/64205f76c4f87557&msg=64205f76c4f87557>... at permacultureconvergence.com 

More Info

For More Information & to Register for the 
Convergence visit: 

Help Us Spread Word!

Help us spread the word and send this email to you your friends & lists!

Join Us on Facebook!

Hope to see you there!

Together on Earth,

-The Living Mandala & NorCal Convergence Organizing Team

About GreenFriends Farm

GreenFriends Farm began as a challenge to plant a 
thousand fruit trees on the overgrazed land of a 
former cattle ranch west of Oakland, California. 
Now, half way to meeting that number, it has 
become an educational center for cutting edge 
agriculture, a destination for enjoying nature, 
and a vibrant spot for volunteers of all ages and backgrounds.

Site Projects Include: • 500 plus tree orchard / 
food forest • Dynamic watershed restoration • 
Broadacre swales & water infiltration • Keyline 
patterning & ploughing • Native reforestation & 
agroforestry • Holistically managed grazing • 
Soil food web management • Solar energy • 
Community garden & orchards • Sustainability & spirituality programs

GreenFriends Farm has hosted workshops the past 
few years with Common Vision, Living Mandala, Dr. 
Elaine Ingham (Soil Food Web), Kirk Gadzia 
(Holistic Management), Geoff Lawton (PRI), and 
others, including many local Bay Area permaculture educators.

For more information about GreenFriends Farm, 
please visit: 

Northern California Permaculture Convergence
Oct 12-14, 2012
GreenFriends Farm, San Ramon, CA

Living Mandala
Organizing Education, Events & Initiatives for 
Personal & Planetary Transformation

Find Living Mandala on Facebook!

Santa Babara Permaculture Network Logo

(805) 962-2571
P.O. Box 92156, Santa Barbara, CA 93190
margie at sbpermaculture.org

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