[Sdpg] Help UMass Permaculture head to the White House

Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network lakinroe at silcom.com
Sun Feb 26 00:11:02 PST 2012

   Here's the link to vote for the finalists:


Dear  Friends,

Living Routes <http://www.livingroutes.org> Alumnus Ryan Harb received a 
call from the White House this week to notify him that UMASS 
Permaculture <http://www.facebook.com/umassamherstpermaculture> was 
selected as one of 15 finalists for the Campus Champions of Change 
The top 5 projects will win a trip to the White House as well as a spot 
on MTV's  "The Dean's List."

This is a great opportunity for raise the profile of permaculture and 
the work of UMass, Ryan, and Living Routes. But we need your help! The 
top 5 projects will be selected through public voting between now and 
next Saturday (3/3)!  When you can, please....

   1. Check out and promote our blog post at http://bit.ly/yQKkCa via
      email, Facebook, Twitter, etc.
   2. Go to
      and add your 3 votes to the UMass Amherst Permaculture Initiative

Thanks for your help!

In community,
  - Daniel

Daniel Greenberg <http://vizibility.com/danielgreenberg>, Ph.D., 
Executive Director

Living Routes - Study Abroad in Sustainable Communities 
284 N. Pleasant St, Suite 1, Amherst, MA 01002
Work: (413) 259-0025  Fax: (413) 259-1113

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