[Sdpg] Permaculture Baby Convergence (San Diego) November 2011- call for co-inviters

Raffi Aftandelian raffi_1970 at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 24 18:16:56 PDT 2011

Dear San Diego Permies,

I'm the organizer for the November San Diego Permaculture Meetup, which will be a "Baby Convergence."(Saturday November 12, 10am-4pm in Lakeside. 

This will be an opportunity to share and learn anything and everything under the sun connected with Permaculture, also an opportunity to explore doing different Permie-related projects together. 

I'm wondering if there are any people here on this list who would  like to be a co-inviter. This would mean that you'd be committing to attending and that you'd commit to helping get the word out (whether by email, phone, or personal invitation). 

If you're interested, feel free to email me directly at raffi_1970 at yahoo.com 
And if there is anyone you know who should know  about this, feel free to forward!

Just a little about our group- we started this summer after the May Southern California Permaculture Convergence in Malibu...We've been meeting regularly. And the meetups have been very rich, fruitful, and people have made
 very interesting connections.

I look forward to hearing from you.

858 736 4611

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