[Sdpg] Permaculture Teacher Training: Permaculture for Children June 17-22/Portland

Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network lakinroe at silcom.com
Tue Jun 14 06:13:51 PDT 2011

Teacher Training: Permaculture for Children

Jun 17 2011 - 9:00am - Jun 22 2011 - 5:00pm

This course is designed for the permaculture certificate holder who 
would like to teach permaculture to children of any age.  You will 
have the opportunity to develop a plan for your school or envision a 
program you would like to create, with the support of seasoned 
permaculture program developers for private, public and homeschool 
settings.  The course will culminate with a hands-on practicum of 
hosting an all-ages Kids Skill Share!

Course fee: $450; $400 if registered by June 1st, 2011  For 
registration & information please email permaculture at tryonfarm.org

Lead Instructor: Patty Parks-Wasserman of the Institute of 
Permaculture Education for Children
Assistant Instructors:
Matt Bibeau, MSEd, of Tryon Life Community Farm, The City Repair 
Project & Learning Gardens Institute
Kelly Hogan of Tryon Life Community Farm and Mother Earth School
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