[Sdpg] Cob Oven | RocketStove | EarthBags a HANDS-ON WORKSHOP

L. Santoyo santoyo at earthflow.com
Sun Dec 26 16:36:47 PST 2010

the latest in ancient technology!

*NATURAL BUILDING BASICS & BEYOND: Cob Oven | RocketStove | EarthBags
10:30am to 3:30pm, MON-TUES-WED, Dec 27, 28 & 29
$25 per day

The Anneliese Schools
758 Manzanita Drive
Laguna Beach, CA 92651

LEARN to design and construct a built-in backyard BBQ, complete with pizza
oven, grill and "rocket stove" burners.

Instructor: Larry Santoyo, director of earthflow design works, permaculture
designer and instructor with 25 years experience in natural building and
natural systems management.

$25 PER DAY includes: design & construction instruction, demonstration and
experiential learning opportunities.
($60 for all three days)

PLEASE BRING bag lunch, water bottle, rain coat, gloves and sturdy shoes

EMAIL: l.santoyodesigns at gmail.com
TEXT: (310) 383-5495

L. Santoyo Designs
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