[Sdpg] Permaculture certification with Toby Hemenway

Kyra Epstein kyra at regenerativedesign.org
Mon Apr 12 16:26:51 PDT 2010

Greetings Permies,

This summer, the Regenerative Design Institute is featuring Toby  
Hemenway, author of Gaia's Garden (the top selling permaculture book  
in the world for the past six years), Penny Livingston-Stark and Brock  
Dolman in our permaculture design certification course. We also have  
Jon Young and Starhawk making their appearances....a great opportunity  
to learn from amazing permaculture designers and nature awareness  
teachers that have been spreading the permaculture word for decades.

Two-Week Permaculture Design Certification Intensive
Offered: June 11 - 26
Location: Commonweal Garden, Bolinas, CA (Bay Area)
Instructors: Toby Hemenway, Penny Livingston-Stark, Brock Dolman, Jon  
Young, Starhawk, and James Stark

Permaculture is good news! Solutions are available on any scale: we  
can make a change that will reach out to future generations.  This  
course offers an intensive format for those who want to get their  
certification quickly and be immersed completely in the permaculture  
experience during a residential program. You will observe and use the  
same principles that make ecological systems self-sustaining, and  
learn how to apply them to integrate homes and gardens. In addition,  
you will learn how to apply these principles to energy systems, water  
supplies, healthy communities, meaningful and fulfilling work,  
ecological economies and global political movements.
Find out more about our RDI's permaculture courses and watch our  
Permaculture Video!

Click here to see Toby Hemenway giving a lecture at Duke University!

Thanks for all you do--

Regenerative Design Institute
P.O. Box 923 | Bolinas, California, 94924
415-868 9681
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