[Sdpg] Follow the IPC9 Nov 2-6 Malawi on the official BLOG /Please share

Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network lakinroe at silcom.com
Sat Oct 17 20:18:03 PDT 2009

Follow the  IPC9 Nov 2-6 Malawi on the official  BLOG /Please share

IPC9  http://www.ipcon.org

hi everyone
just to let you know if you can't attend the 9 International 
Permaculture Conference and Convergence (IPC9) Nov2-6 Malawi 2009,  
you can sign up  for email alerts or RSS feeds, click on Blog on the 
IPC9 menu




On behalf of the organisers of the the 9th International Permaculture 
Conference and Convergence (IPC9) that is happpening in Africa I 
extend a warm welcome to you from the warm heart of Africa. We invite 
you to this blog so that you can be part of the excitement that we 
are having in hosting this momentous event that comes on the eve of 
the Copenhagen summit on climatic change.  The IPC is a genuine 
grassroots movement that happens entirely due to the energy and 
enthusiasm of the ordinary member.

The Programme that is lined up for the convergence is packed with 
experiences from across the world that will be shared during the 
first two days. On the third day we have created open spaces where 
participants will direct their energies towards an issue of their 
choice. On the fourth day of the convergence we gather to share the 
strategies from the various open spaces and thematic discussions. 
During the conference we will have key note presentations before a 
tree planting exercise with the local people. After that the 
participants walk through displays and markets and network.  A group 
of over 50 young learners from various schools will be part of the 
conference gathering. The conference will be followed by a three week 
tour of Permaculture projects in three Southern African countries.

We look forward to sharing much of the excitement from these events 
on this blog. Welcome! Bemvindo! Bienvenue! Karibu! Mwalandiridwa! 
Sethule! Tigashire!Titambire!   
Mugove Walter Nyika, IPC9 Coordinator, Blantyre, Malawi. October 2009
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