[Sdpg] Strawbale Ecohouse video/at the U.S. Botanic Garden on the National Mall 2008/9 Washington D.C.,

Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network lakinroe at silcom.com
Sat Aug 29 08:08:32 PDT 2009

Dear natural and sustainable building Enthusiasts --

We are delighted to announce that we have created a short video of 
the Builders Without Borders Strawbale Ecohouse project in Washington 
D.C., which you can view on YouTube! 

FYI, last summer BWB built a demonstration of "America's Traditions 
of Green Building" including a load-bearing strawbale building, with 
earthen and lime plasters, plus a bamboo shade structure and adobe 
and cob arch for an exhibition at the U.S. Botanic Garden on the 
National Mall. 
Our display stayed up for 10 months, then was transported to a new 
home in Maryland.  (You can see the Ecohouse where it lives today at 
Sam and Kappy's house at:  http://www.breathworkstudio.blogspot.com/)

Thanks to a talented summer intern with video editing skills, we were 
able to create this 10 minute video from over 18 hours of footage. 
We wanted to keep it short so it could go on YouTube.  We hope you 
find it watchable and entertaining. 

Catherine Wanek & Derek Roff
Builders Without Borders
<mail at builderswithoutborders.org>
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