[Sdpg] Home Gardens & Positive World View. Two articles by Friends of the Trees

FRIENDS OF THE TREES SOCIETY michael at friendsofthetrees.net
Mon Jan 5 18:22:24 PST 2009



Dear friends,
There are 2 new articles posted on friendsofthetrees.net

1) The Role of Home Gardens in Feeding the World & Sequestering Carbon.
A longish article on home gardens which I think is very germane to this point
in history and which I hope will get wide circulation.  It includes lots of
practical garden advice. 

2) Towards a Positive World View.
A vision of where we want to go, rather then focusing on the problems. 

And a brief reminder that we are still looking for people to take my Pacific
Northwest Permaculture Design Course from February 22-March 8, 2009.  Details
on my website.

Have a good 2009 gardening season.

Michael Pilarski

www.friendsofthetrees.net  http://www.friendsofthetrees.net/articles.htm




Recommended Links

Check out http://people.tribe.net/friendsofthetrees (I just started this!) for
links to some important articles, Youtubes and websites that I recommend,
mostly on the economic crisis or economic alternatives.


Pacific Northwest - 2 Week Residential Permaculture Design Course

Feb 22 - March 8, 2009
Sahale Learning Center, Befair, Washington
Sustainabale Food Production & Food Security
100s of strategies!
1000s of techniques!
1000s of species!
Instructed by Michael Pilarski and Laura Sweany
Guest Presenters:
Larry Korn - Mu Landscaping Co.
Marish Auerbach - Herb'n Wisdom
Jenny Bell - Wilder Institute
Albert Postema -  Earthwise Excavation
John Henrickson - Wild Thyme Farm
John Hoff - Goodenough Community
more information on www.goodenough.org and www.friendsofthetrees.net

download flier and registration form (PDF 690KB) 

Kauai Permaculture Design Practicum Course - March 2009

March 21 - 27, 2009
This is the first half of a permaculture design course.  Participants who go
on to complete a 7-day Permaculture Fundamentals Course at a later date
receive permaculture design course certification. The course will teach
permaculture design principles and methodology which can be applied to any
parcel of land. The course is aimed at increasing food production by private
landowners and on Kauai as a whole. Strategies for local food security,
sustainability and restoring the health of native ecosystems are synthesized.
Through lecture, slide shows, discussion, observation, field trips and
hands-on activities, students will develop skills to design and implement
sustainable systems that are in harmony with the natural world. We will cover
hundreds of crops which can provide family needs or cash income. Although this
course's focus is on Kauai, participants from other islands or the mainland
are welcome. Course instructors are Michael Pilarski, Gary Seals and guest

Kauai Permaculture Sustainable Design Summit. 
One or two day workshop to he held after the Practicum. Please visit
www.activatekauai.org for updated schedule and registration information. 

Recently Kauai has set a goal to make Kauai more sustainable and produce more
of its own resources.  This event will involve permaculturists and other
people working for a sustainable Kauai. The participants will work together to
brainstorm recommendations for island residents. How can permaculture design,
principles, methodology, strategies and techniques help the people of Kauai.

more info at www.activatekauai.org  http://www.activatekauai.org

Dry Herbs and Seeds In Stock 

Check out the website for my December 2008 catalog. 










Blessings for the new year!
Michael Pilarski

Friends of the Trees Society
PO Box 826
Tonasket, WA 98855

509-486-2672 landline
no cell phone at this time
Michael at friendsofthetrees.net


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Fairy & Human Relations Congress - Skalitude Retreat Center, POB 74 - Carlton
- WA - 98114

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