[Sdpg] May LAPG Newsletter
Wesley Roe and Santa Barbara Permaculture Network
lakinroe at silcom.com
Tue Apr 29 20:58:40 PDT 2008
May 2008
Los Angeles Permaculture Guild Newsletter
on the web 24/7 !
Que pasa,
Feel free to repost this newsletter wherever
appropriate and submit related needs, surplus,
events and articles, videos, pictures and
announcements. Community input is always encouraged and appreciated . . .
Taylor Arneson
<mailto:taylorist at gmail.com>taylorist at gmail.com
-- Michael Pollan on the Revolutionary Act of Gardening
-- For South L.A. farmers, a new setting for their plots
-- Nuns embrace restoring connection with nature
-- Seedballs
-- Urban Permaculture
-- Worm Tower
The Watt's Family Garden Club
"The Seed Lady" aka Anna Marie Carter
are looking for................
Primarily we are looking for CASH and volunteers.
We need self motivated, self initiating,
responsible people to help with various aspects
of several different projects. People who have
experience or skills as grant writers,
researchers, marketers and community organizers
would be most desirable. Please contact: Camille Cimino
<mailto:camcim at yahoo.com>camcim at yahoo.com
(213) 924-5238
-- Swan Song for the Lawn -Volunteers Needed -Ongoing starting in February '08
Help convert resource consuming lawns in and
around Los Angeles into productive Fruit, Fuel,
Food, Fiber and Medicine Producing Home Ecosystems! No experience necessary.
Contact us at <mailto:info at earthflow.com>info at earthflow.com
-- Accommodations Needed -Los Angeles -Ongoing
Larry Santoyo, Permaculture Designer, Teacher
seeks private studio/guesthouse accommodations
for frequent visits in and around downtown Los
Angeles, Silverlake and Santa Monica Areas -Will
trade for permaculture consulting, design and/or workshops.
-- I am always looking for people, M-F, who would
like to volunteer working on permaculture
projects at a home in Malibu. Projects involve
pruning, planting, mulching, propagation, water
harvesting techniques, compost making, caring for
chickens, light straw claw and earthen plaster,
herb spirals, and more. Anyone interested can
contact me at
<mailto:swjennings at gmail.com>swjennings at gmail.com
Also, looking to build up the LAPCGuild wiki with
profiles of people doing permaculture related
activities in this city, so please submit
anything you got, pictures, stories, to
<mailto:swjennings at gmail.com>swjennings at gmail.com
-- Eco Home needs help with promoting their tours
- The number of visitors has decreased recently
and they are exploring new opportunities to
spread the word. Contact Dianne Carter at
<mailto:dcarterpr at earthlink.net>dcarterpr at earthlink.net.
More about Eco Home
-- EMANATE needs monetary and material donations
for their installations. All donations are
tax-deductible. Contact
<mailto:jenna at emanate.org>jenna at emanate.org or
323.913.0915. <http://www.emanate.org>www.emanate.org
-- Bicycles for sale!
* fixed gear, raleigh women's road bike
conversion, all new 700c rims and tires, good
seat, bull horn bars, no lights or brakes - $ 300
* three wheeled adult (trike) beach cruiser
style, coaster and front brakes, ape hangers,
basket, needs new tubes and tires - $ 300
* brand new lollapolloza element skateboard made
of bamboo limited edition, 7.5w, 52mm wheels - $100
-- Be part of every permaculture function there
is in our newly acquired land in Venice, CA. We
have a 55'x300' space a few minutes from the
ocean in a very good growing zone with space
available to rent or build your own natural
space. We are needing strictly permaculture
people to build a living modelthat will provide
answers for our cities many problems. We need
your skills and enthusiasm to be part of something very special.
contact: Bobby 310-466-9600
Must see!!
-- Earthflow Design Works offers the following
products, services and skills: Permaculture Land
Planning and Design -Training and Services;
Jewelry Designs; Clothing Designs. Graphic Design
& Photography. See <http://www.earthflow.com>www.earthflow.com for more info
-- We have Potted (1 to 5 gal) Garden Plants
-Will trade for Avocados, Bamboo and/or ???
-Achira, edible canna
-Opuntia, spineless fruiting cactus
-Yacon, sweet, crunchy tubers
Contact: Larry & Kathryn Santoyo
<<mailto:info at earthflow.com>info at earthflow.com> 805.459.0452
-- Available for pre-purchase! Quail Springs, An
Experiment in Permaculture by Joss Jaffe, is an
important research and development tool
supporting permaculture design and the long term
vision of Quail Springs. Pre-purchase the book by
<mailto:info at quailsprings.org>info at quailsprings.org.
$30 includes CD, or $10 for CD only, plus $5 shipping.
-- Hopedance offer: For $250 Hopedance Magazine
will give you a full page to do what you want
(listings, calendars, ads, articles, art, etc.)
plus you get 1,000 copies of hopedance to do what
you want. The page would be inside the regular
issue of HopeDance. The next issue is on
Relocalization. Bob Banner 805 544 9663
-- Path to Freedom's Peddlers Wagon
- Practical goods for your home and garden,
including ollas, solar ovens, bike trailers and
more. From the wonderful Dervaes family homestead.
-- Compost - Tim Dundon 626-794-1351
<mailto:theroyalsoil at 2doo.com>theroyalsoil at 2doo.com
www.2doo.com Tim is the King of Compost. He will
deliver a huge dumptruck of horse manure and
sawdust for 80.00 to your hungry soil. He might
offer you some sage philosophy for free while he's at it.
-- Cob-a-nation with Ray Cirino! Ray is THE guy
for cob in Los Angeles. His beautiful ovens,
benches and other structures can be seen at LA
Eco-Village, Path to Freedom and many private
residences around the city. Check out his new cob
playhouses! He also builds rocket stoves and
welds amazing trellises. Hire him to lead a
workshop or build something for you. email
<mailto:cobanation at yahoo.com>cobanation at yahoo.com
The deadline on the 2007--Now 2008--Farm Bill has
been a moving target, but the conference
committee is currently set to conclude its work
soon. We need as many e-mails as soon as possible
to urge Congress to pass a Farm Bill that
increases funding for organic, transition to
organic, and nutrition programs, rather than
simply more subsidies for corporate welfare and
biofuels.. Please click here to take action now:
-- Help Save the L.A. Eco-Village from the L.A. Unified School District
After a heated battle at the community meetings,
LAUSD has chosen another site close by, but they
still intend to put a large parking lot where the
elementary school used to be, right in the heart of the LA Ecovillage
See the following websites for details:
-- Save the Whittier Narrows Natural Area!
The Discovery Center Authority development is
the first project to remake the 419 acre Whittier
Narrows Natural area into a synthetic one. Visit
for more info. Friends of the Whittier Narrows
Natural Area. 626 286 3850
<mailto:info at naturalareafriends.net>info at naturalareafriends.net
-- California Cannabis Hemp & Health Initiative
2008 needs help in signature gathering:
<<http://www.jackherer.com>www.jackherer.com> & <www.calhemp08.org>.
-- Petition Agri Fuel Incentives for Monsanto and other GMO corporations
-- Wed April 30th 1111:30 am Federal Building
lot, 11000 Wilshire Blvd. LA 90024
Meet in Southwest corner of Parking Lot, near
Rochester Ave. to pick up your HazMat suit (or
email to make prior arrangements)
12:00 NOON 'Clean-Up' Action begins in front of Oxy Building,
10889 Wilshire Blvd. LA 90024 (corner of Westwood Blvd)
What: "Clean-Up" Action B.Y.O.B. We provide HazMat suits; you bring your
own broom or mop! Occidental Petroleum World Headquarters in Westwood
10889 Wilshire Blvd. L.A. 90024
-- Wednesday, April 30, 2008 6:00pm - 7:30pm
Edgecliffe and Sunset - triangle park
Fallen Fruit is organizing this year's Nocturnal
Fruit Forage 2008 in honor of the Loquat. It
would be great if you could post the information
to help spread the word to Angelenos. We do a
tour every year at this time. It would be great
to have you come along. If you have any
questions. We meet a lot of residents when we
stop in front of their houses with flashlights,
shopping carts, bags and fruit pickers. They are
usually happy to see us and offer to let us pick
more fruit inside their properties. Its rare, at
least in LA, to find people who actually use much
or even any of the fruit growing on their properties.
Please let us know if you are planning to attend
<mailto:info at fallenfruit.org.>info at fallenfruit.org.
-- Friday May 2nd 9 am 10:30 am
RALLY at Oxy Annual SHAREHOLDERS' MEETING with Achuar Leaders
"Oxy Annual Shareholders Meeting" Press Conference
Fairmont Hotel sidewalk on Ocean Ave.
101 Wilshire Blvd. @ Ocean Ave. Santa Monica 90401
-- Saturday, May 3rd 10am - 4pm $35!
Director of Materials & Applications and
Principal of Fountainhead Water Systems Design,
Dr. Bill Roley, applied ecologist, environmental
instructor and watershed planner, 10am - noon:
Dr. Bill Roley, Full Circle Water Planning with
Community Participation 1pm - 4pm : Jenna will
lead a hands-on installation of a rainwater
catchment system, including review of rain water
fountains and irrigations systems.
-- Saturday, May 3rd from 10:30am - 1pm
Tours of Los Angeles Eco-Village
Learn the history, context, accomplishments,
pitfalls, transitions, plans and visions for this
two block central city demonstration ecovillage
neighborhood-in-process and its intentional community.
Fee: $10 (sliding scale available). Reservations
required, contact <mailto:crsp at igc.org>crsp at igc.org or 213/738-1254.
-- Saturday, May 10th 10am - 4pm $35!
Freya Bardell, Director of GreenMeme
Brent Bucknam, Principal of Hyphae, Director of
Living Architecture for Rana Creek
Dr. Bill Roley, applied ecologist, environmental
instructor and watershed planner
10am - noon: Dr. Bill Roley, Full Circle Water
Planning with Community Participation 1pm - 4pm :
Freya Bardell will lead a workshop on slowing
storm-water and cooling structures through
integrated systems of green roofs, living walls and storm-water-planters.
-- Saturday, May 10, 2008, 9:30am - 3pm 5621 Montemalaga Drive $5
Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275
The South Bay Energy Fair will feature, on site:
Bicycles as cargo vehicles
Electric cars
Multiple public transit advocacy groups
Local biodiesel purchasing
Solar energy installers
Energy-saving appliances & home retrofits
Ultra fuel-efficient motorscooters
Alternative Fuel Smackdown debate
Green Fashion Show
Independent film release
Link <http://www.southbayenergyfair.com>www.southbayenergyfair.com
-- Sunday, May 11 from 10:30am - 1pm
Tours of Los Angeles Eco-Village
Learn the history, context, accomplishments,
pitfalls, transitions, plans and visions for this
two block central city demonstration ecovillage
neighborhood-in-process and its intentional community.
Fee: $10 (sliding scale available). Reservations
required, contact <mailto:crsp at igc.org>crsp at igc.org or 213/738-1254.
-- Friday, May 16 at 7:30pm and Saturday, May 17 from 8:30am 5pm
A Taste of Permaculture: Hands-On Workshop
In this workshop, you will be introduced to the
permaculture principles and ethics while gaining
some hands-on experience in soils and gardening,
orcharding, and seedball making. Permaculture
Principles, Ethics, and Zones with Tyrone LaFay
Three 90-minute rotating hands-on workshops on
- Soils & Gardening with Brad Mowers
- Orcharding with George Patton
- Seedball making with Yuki Kidokoro
Course Fee: $115. Pre-registration required by
May 13,
<mailto:alirosenblatt at gmail.com>alirosenblatt at gmail.com or 213/738-1254
-- Saturday, May 17th 10am - 4pm $35!
Glen Dake, Director of Glen Dake Landscape
Architecture and former Green Deputy of Council
District 13 Guest speakers TBA Schedule TBA Glen
will lead hands-on installation instruction of
permeable pavement, swales and filter strips.
-- Tuesday, May 20th, @ 7pm Santa Monica Main Library, Community Room
Come Join us for the first of a series of monthly
meetings to discuss Permaculture and how we can
apply it within our urban community.
We will use these meetings to begin to build a
community of local citizens interested in
bringing about real sustainable change in the
neighborhoods that we live in. We are looking
for permaculturists, gardeners, activists,
teachers, environmentalists, city officials,
parents, children, students, etc. All are
welcome. We can change the world with our own
two hands, let's start by changing our community
together.For more information or if you would
like to become more involved please send an email
to: <mailto:swjennings at gmail.com>swjennings at gmail.com
The Santa Monica Main Library is located at 601
Santa Monica Boulevard, Santa Monica, CA 90401 (310) 458-8600
-- Saturday, May 24th Location TBA noon - 5pm
Fruit drying and sorbet workshop
Learn different techniques to build simple drying
boxes and make sorbet from fruit collected in
your neighborhood. We will walk to go pick
loquats, plums and apricots, learn local history,
climate and soils and agriculture as we walk
through a neighborhood and take snacks and drying
boxes home for a materials fee of $ 20
Sliding scale, no one turned away for lack of
funds. RSVP to: <mailto:taylorist at gmail.com>taylorist at gmail.com
-- Saturday and Sunday, May 24-25 ~ Building a Cob Oven and Baking Bread
with Quail Springs' teaching team $100 for each 2
day Skill Builder workshop, includes camping.
Register for the entire "Hands and Hearts" series for 2008 for $275 !
Optional materials fee may apply for each
workshop. Meals will be organized potluck.
<mailto:info at quailsprings.org>info at quailsprings.org
for more information or to register.
-- Saturday, May 31 and Sunday, June 1, from 10am-5pm
Weekend Gardening Workshop with Brad Mowers
Gain hands-on experience in all of the aspects of
growing your own food. In this weekend workshop
we will learn about soils, plant seedlings, how
to harvest fruits and vegetables, and compost their waste, closing the cycle.
Specific topics covered will include:
- Soil health
- Seed starting
- Buying plants from the nursery
- Vegetable planting charts
- Putting plants in the ground and caring for them
- Growing in pots for apartment dwellers
- Inter-planting and biodiversity
- Plant culture and how to deal with insects
- Watering
- Wild plants such as lambs' quarter, amaranth, dandelion and nettles
- Composting
This class is for beginning gardeners as well as
those who would like a refresher course for
review and more information. Participants will go
away with a well-rounded palette of information
to start on their summer gardens.
Course Fee: $125. Pre-registration required by
May 23,
<mailto:alirosenblatt at gmail.com>alirosenblatt at gmail.com or 213/738-1254.
-- April 20 - May 3, 2008
In cooperation with Four Elements Organic Farm,
HopeDance Media & The Terra Foundation: Four
Elements Permaculture Design Course San Luis
Obispo County, Permaculture Design Certificate Course Two-Week Intensive
Amazing Location... The site for this course
is Four Elements Organic Farm, a certified
Organic Farm and an innovative Natural Building
Learning Center nestled in the steep chaparral
hills of California's Central Coast.
-Santa Cruz, CA - Third Weekends of each Month, Feb-July
-San Luis Obispo, CA - Two-Week Intensive April 20- May 3, 2008
-New York City Open Center -3Day CityPermaculture Strategies Workshop - April
-Woodbourne, Catskills, New York - Two-Week Intensive August 16-29, 2008
-Los Angeles, CA - First Weekends of each Month, Oct '08 - March '09
-Aveyron Region, France - Permaculture
Highlights & Historical Preservation Tour
More Hands-On WorkParties - Natural building
and "the home ecosystem" design on California's
Central Coast and the Southland.
Trades, Work-Trades and Payment Plans now available
Teachers are also eligible for special Scholarship Discounts
-- February through July 2008
The Santa Barbara Permaculture Design Course Experience
Creating The Conditions for Sustainability to Happen...
February through July 2008.
One weekend a month for 6 months...
Join us on the second weekends of February through July 2008.
Locations will take us in and around Santa Barbara Co.
-- The Next Natural Building Workshop:
Edendale Farm in Silver Lake
Designing & Building an Outdoor Kitchen and Entertainment Space
One of the advantages of living in Sunny Southern
California is enjoying the outdoors, yet very few
are eating or cooking outside daily.
This hands-on workshop will use permaculture
design and natural building skills to complete a
beautiful space that is functional, economical and sustainable.
Starts at 9:00AM- 4:00 PM Saturdays.
Part One * Site and Kitchen Design
* Earthen Oven Theory & Techniques
Space is limited RSVP Special Workshop, Children
are welcome contact:
<mailto:info at sustainablehabitats.org>info at sustainablehabitats.org
-- Tuesday, June 3 from 6-9pm
Creating a LETSystem in your neighborhood with Alison Rosenblatt
Alison has been researching local currencies
since her arrival in L.A. Eco-Village in
February. She is engaged in testing and honing
the emerging LETSystem in LAEV. The LETS (Local
Exchange Trading System) is a local currency
system used throughout the world. Come learn how
you can make it happen in your neighborhood.
Fee: $10 donation suggested. No one turned away for lack of funds
Reservations required, contact Alison Rosenblatt
at <mailto:alirosenblatt at gmail.com>alirosenblatt at gmail.com or 213/738-1254.
-- Saturday, June 14 from 9am-5pm
Water Catchment with Swales
Taught by Joe Linton, author of "Down by the L.A. River"
Check our website,
for more details, coming soon.
-- It's time to register for a brand new series
of organic gardening classes. I'm really excited
about them. Get the details by going straight to
the registration page here:
-- Saturday and Sunday, May 24-25 ~ Building a Cob Oven and Baking Bread
with Quail Springs' teaching team $100 for each 2
day Skill Builder workshop, includes camping.
Register for the entire "Hands and Hearts" series
for 2008 for $275 Optional materials fee may
apply for each workshop. Meals will be organized
<mailto:info at quailsprings.org>info at quailsprings.org
for more information or to register.
-- Monthy meeting for LAMS Los Angeles
Mytological Society are held at the Los Angeles
County Natural History Museum, come at 7:00pm to
have mushroom photos and samples identified, and
8:00pm for a lecture. Check the website for
upcoming dates. . . . <http://lamushrooms.com>lamushrooms.com
-- Saturdays at 10 am multiple locatoins check website :
Christopher Nyerges leads walks in the San
Gabriel mountains teaching skills ranging from
weapon making to wild salad harvesting
-- 4th Tuesday of the month, Beekeepers
Association of Southern California 7:30 PM at the
Kling Center, 12900 Blue Field Avenue, La Mirada, CA 90638
Come to meet people who actually keep bees in the
Southern California area and talk about colony
collapse disorder Contact: Mark Hoppe (562)
841-9754 <mailto:mhpower at quixnet.net>mhpower at quixnet.net
-- Sundays and Thursdays 2-7pm (come anytime you can)
Food Not Bombs is organized according to
anarchist principles of non-hierarchy and
decentralization. We take food that would
otherwise be thrown away and make healthy, vegan
meals for the hungry. We cook in the Sunset
Junction area of Silver Lake as well as Highland
Park and serve our delicious vegetarian food
every Thursday and Sunday in Downtown Los Angeles. Join us!
< <http://lafoodnotbombs.org/>http://lafoodnotbombs.org/ >
---- Food forest work days and plant sale in
Sunland: Come see our food forest, get your
hands dirty in our beautiful, rich soils and hug
our fruit trees! Get a smell and taste tour of
the forest. We have community projects, grow
your own in our garden. We have lots of fun,
exotic fruit trees and other plants and an
heirloom veggie patch. Get a taste of our
collards, salad mix, figs, etc, hang out with
great people, and hear the stories behind the
forest. Every Sunday from 1-4. 7919 Glenties
Lane, Sunland. We are looking for someone who
would like to run the work days for a couple of
months while I am out of town - please let me
know if you are interested! This is a great
community spot in Sunland. We may move to AM's if
it is hot, so please write
<mailto:cory8570 at yahoo.com>cory8570 at yahoo.com to confirm schedule...
-- Tours of the Eco-Home environmental
demonstration home in the Los Feliz area of Los Angeles are scheduled
Contact: (323) 662-5207
<mailto:ecohome at pacbell.net>ecohome at pacbell.net
Reservations in advance required.
-- Fridays Critical Mass is a spontanious public
gathering of bicyclists who use the power of
numbers to advocate safe and sensible bicycle use
of the roads we share. Check you locality for upcoming rides and locations
or <http://www.cicle.org>http://www.cicle.org or
SPACE : <http://lapcguild.wikispaces.com>http://lapcguild.wikispaces.com
-- <http://permaculturecafe.blogspot.com/>http://permaculturecafe.blogspot.com/
-- http://permaculturetokyo.blogspot.com/
Los Angeles:
- Earthflow
- Larry Santoyo
<mailto:santoyo at earthflow.com>santoyo at earthflow.com 805-459-0452
- LA Permaculture Guild: Camille Cimino
<mailto:camcim at yahoo.com>camcim at yahoo.com Joan
Stevens 323-630-4673
<mailto:mamabotanica at sbcglobal.net>mamabotanica at sbcglobal.net .
Points north:
- Ojai Permaculture Guild: Dave White
<mailto:david at ojaicra.org>david at ojaicra.org 805-646-9809
- Santa Barbara Permaculture Network: Margie
<mailto:sbpcnet at silcom.com>sbpcnet at silcom.com
805-962-2571 www.sbpermaculture.org
- Sierra PC Guild, Paul Racko
<mailto:paul at sierrapermaculture.org>paul at sierrapermaculture.org
Points south:
- PC Institute of Southern California (Laguna
Beach): Bill Roley <mailto:DrRoley at cox.net>DrRoley at cox.net 949-494-5843
- San Diego Permaculture Center: San Diego
Economic Conversion Council <mailto:sdecc at igc.org>sdecc at igc.org (619)
255-6111 (new one)
- Los Angeles PC Guild e-list --
- South CA PC Guild e-list --
- LACity Repair e-list --
- LA PC Guild on Tribe --
- LA Mytological Society --
Permaculture Activist Magazine :
Permaculture Credit Union : <http://www.pcuonline.org>www.pcuonline.org
Hopedance Magazine : <http://www.hopedance.org>www.hopedance.org
Urban Permaculture Guild :
LA Permaculture Guild website :
LA EcoVillage: <http://urbansoil.net/wiki.cgi>http://urbansoil.net/wiki.cgi
EcoVillage / Permaculture places :
Sustainble World Radio Podcasts :
To subscribe or unsubscribe to the LAPG
newsletter, or to send a notice for next month,
drop an email to <mailto:taylorist at gmail.com>taylorist at gmail.com
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