[Sdpg] San Diego County origin skills and technomad forest gathering: Fri May 9 - Mon May 12 and beyond

Colin Leath colinleath at gmail.com
Sat Apr 26 16:06:33 PDT 2008

I'm happy to say we have another origin skills gathering planned, this time
a bit more of a hike in from the road, and also with a technomad element.

It will probably be within an hour's drive of Escondido and as much as a
three-mile hike in from the trailhead.

The details are at Colin's forest

Please advertise about this event wherever you'd like to. Given that we're
planning to leave Friday morning, it may be harder to find people who want
to come along. But we hope to be somewhere where you could find us later.

As for all the lists I've cross-posted this to:
The connection to food: edible plants
The connection to permaculture: observing nature

In case it helps, here's the google calendar link to the event

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